Page 196 - Tatjana Vonta, Organizirana predšolska vzgoja v izzivih družbenih sprememb, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 8
P. 196
 Organizirana predšolska vzgoja v izzivih družbenih sprememb

tions, values within a certain society, attitudes towards childhood and the
reached level of scientific achievements.

In the material, we deal with the development of preschool education
from its beginnings in the first years of industrialization, when this field
defended rare humanistic principles for the protection of children from ex-
ploitation, child-labour and poverty and provided child-minding facilities
for children of employed parents. We describe the first scientific approach-
es in this field, which were developed only at the end of the 19th and at the
beginning of the 20th century with the Child Study Movement and pro-
gressive pedagogy. They focused on the implementation of the child de-
velopment theory and tried to create conditions for sensible learning. We
then describe the reasons for a halt in activity’s development before, dur-
ing and after the Second World War and warn about the abuse of organ-
ized preschool education for gaining control of family education and the
concern for the realization of educational goals, that were set by the gov-
ernment. We especially focus on the revival of this field in the sixties of the
20th century, which were characterized by a profound scientifically based
approach and reactions to social efforts to remove the consequences of pov-
erty and social inequality by stressing the influence of the environment
and children’s needs.

The greatest focus in the material is placed on modern processes and ide-
as that have strengthened this field during the transition from the 20th to
the 21st century. What is more, we give detailed definitions of social find-
ings and changes of scientific paradigms that influence education. There-
by, we have limited ourselves to those pedagogical ideas, scientific achieve-
ments and concepts that have especially influenced the conception in the
field of preschool education. The latter were based on the Convention of
the Rights of the Child, modern findings about brain development and
about the importance of this period in life for further development of in-
dividuals and society in general. Furthermore, the topic is also addressed
from the aspect of contemporary understanding of quality from different
points of views: the view of children, parents, broader community and the
providers of preschool education. A special focus was put on professional
development and its role at ensuring quality.

The review ends with a look into the future. We point out the key fac-
tors and assumptions about future development of social conditions in the
fields of development that have always had an influence on education (like
anticipated changes in a family, the working and professional world, par-
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