Page 171 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 5-6: Teaching Feminism, ed. Valerija Vendramin
P. 171
tributors ■ Avtorice

Mirjana Adamović

Dr. sc. Mirjana Adamović, sociologist and senior scientific associate works
at the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb. She is also an external as-
sociate for postgraduate doctoral studies in Humanities at the University
of Split. She is the co-author of three books and editor of another one and
the author of numerous scientific papers related to gender, feminism and
culture. Her research and policy expertise has been developed through
collaboration with many national and international organisations.
Dr. Mirjana Adamović je sociologinja in višja znanstvena sodelavka na
Inštitutu za družbena raziskovanja v Zagrebu. Je tudi zunanja sodelavka
podiplomskih doktorskih študij v humanistiki na Univerzi v Splitu. Je so-
avtorica treh knjig in urednica enega dela ter avtorica številnih znanstve-
nih člankov s področja spola, feminizma in kulture. Njeno raziskovanje in
poznavanje politik se razvijata v sodelovanju s številnimi nacionalnimi in
mednarodnimi organizacijami.

Majda Hrženjak

Dr Majda Hrženjak, sociologist, is acting as a senior research associate
at the Peace Institute – Institute for Contemporary Social and Political
Studies in Slovenia. Her research topics are gender studies and social pol-
itics, with a focus on the concept of care in relation to intersectional in-
equalities, citizenship, migration and feminist ethics of care. Her bibli-
ography includes the monographs Symbolic (2001); Invisible Work (2007)
and Dimensions of Care Work (2018). She edited the books Making Her Up:
Women’s Magazines in Slovenia (2002); Politics of Care (2011) and Changing

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