Page 173 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 5-6: Teaching Feminism, ed. Valerija Vendramin
P. 173
contributors■ avtorice

Metka Mencin
Dr Metka Mencin is an assistant professor of Social Psychology, and a
lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of
Ljubljana. Her main research interests are the construction of stigmatised
identities and (re)production of power relations within sciences (psychol-
ogy), education, state policies and everyday discourse. She is the co-author
of several monographs and the author/co-author of several scientific, ex-
pert and popular articles.
Dr. Metka Mencin je docentka socialne psihologije, predavateljica in raz-
iskovalka na Fakulteti za družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani. Njeni glavi
raziskovalni interesi so konstrukcija stigmatiziranih identitet in (re)pro-
dukcija oblastnih razmerij v znanostih (psihologiji), izobraževanju, dr-
žavnih politikah in vsakdanjem diskurzu. Je soavtorica več monografij
ter avtorica in soavtorica številnih znanstvenih, strokovnih in poljudnih

Nina Perger
Dr Nina Perger is a researcher at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University
of Ljubljana. Her research areas include everyday life studies, focusing on
gender, sexuality and non-binary identities, masculine domination and
sexism. She is the author and co-author of several scientific articles.
Dr. Nina Perger je raziskovalka na Fakulteti za družbene vede na Univerzi
v Ljubljani. Njena raziskovalna področja so študije vsakdanjega življenja,
s poudarkom na spolu, seksualnosti in nebinarnih identitetah, moški do-
minaciji in seksizmu.

Renata Šribar
Dr Renata Šribar is an associate professor of Anthropology, implementing
feminist and critical pedagogy in lecturing. As a researcher, she focuses on
genders and transgender studies, ethics in science, health, and transform-
ative research methodology. Lately, she has been problematising the new
technological turn (scientifically questionable implementation of 5G, sex-
ism in the commercial introduction of sex robots …). She has (co)authored
four scientific monographs and several articles and book chapters relat-
ed to gendering, (porno)sexualisation, digitalisation, and science. In addi-
tion to the exposed primary work sphere, she deals with active citizenship,
literature, and complementary healing.
Dr. Renata Šribar je izredna profesorica za antropologijo, ki v svojo pre-
davateljsko prakso uvaja feministično in kritično pedagogiko. Kot raz-
iskovalka se osredotoča na študije spolov in transspolov, etiko v znano-
sti, zdravje in metodologijo transformativnega raziskovanja. V aktualnem

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