Page 165 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 5-6: Teaching Feminism, ed. Valerija Vendramin
P. 165
abstracts ■ povzetki

pri čemer je v središču zanimanja predvsem njena transformativna moč. V
nadaljevanju je poudarjena pomembnost integracije feministične pedago-
gike skozi izobraževalno vertikalo. Predstavljeni so primeri feminističnih
učilnic v predšolski vzgoji, osnovnem in srednjem šolstvu. Nekaj prime-
rov je bilo pridobljenih s pregledom literature, večina, sploh na osnovno-
šolski in srednješolski ravni, pa v obliki polstrukturiranega intervjuja z
bodočo učiteljico. V zaključku je izpostavljena smiselnost vključevanja
elementov feministične pedagogike v programe usposabljanja bodočih
učiteljev in učiteljic.
Ključne besede: feministična pedagogika, učenje in poučevanje, feminis-
tične učilnice, spol, ravni izobrazbe
Mirjana Adamović
In contemporary society, the media is a powerful social force capable of
actively supporting but also negating feminist values, even though the
feminist perspective is today woven into the political and institutional
lives of Western countries (McRobbie, 2009). Feminism is considered to
be instrumentalised and words such as “empowerment” and “choice” are
often used in the media and popular culture “as a kind of substitute for
feminism” (McRobbie, 2009). This paper presents a media analysis of ar-
ticles published by the five most visited Croatian web portals in 2019. The
content of the articles was analysed by the qualitative method of thematic
analysis. The results show that feminism is a neglected topic on web por-
tals and most often found in “news”, “culture” or “film” sections. The re-
sults of the thematic analysis identified five thematic frameworks which
encompass the published articles: feminist pioneers, female politicians
and feminism, celebrity feminism, feminist activism, and feminism and
film. The first framework “feminist pioneers”, along with the “feminist
activism” framework, are more educational in the nature of their report-
ing, while the “celebrity feminism” framework deals more with the topics
of violence towards women, women’s relationship with their bodies and
gender equality in general. The presentation of female politicians with-
in the framework dealing with politics and feminism is the most neglect-
ed because it is practically devoid of any political-feminist content while
the “film and feminism” framework is almost entertaining in character
because it is mostly based on commenting on movie characters and their
lifestyles as well as screenwriter choices. Although all of the identified
frameworks mention and broach a series of subthemes, except in the case

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