Page 162 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 5-6: Teaching Feminism, ed. Valerija Vendramin
P. 162
šolsko polje, letnik xxxi, številka 5–6

se odzvati na seksistične, androcentrične, proti spolu uperjene in rasistič-
ne predpostavke, ki poglabljajo neenakosti in spodbujajo družbeno izklju-
čenost, ter kako prekiniti prevladujočo vednost znanstvenosti (Pereira,
2017). Prispevek uporabi Center za ženske študije v Zagrebu kot primer
in zagovarja tezo, da alternativna oblika izobraževanja zunaj prevladujo-
čih akademskih institucij, kljub različnim oviram in notranjim proble-
mom, lahko zagotovi osvoboditev od hegemone in mizogine vednosti bolj
kot univerzitetno izobraževanje, in sicer tako, da ustvari vplivni prostor
za feminizem kot epistemsko neposlušnost in aktivistično teorijo ter da
zagotovi politično subjektivizacijo tako učiteljic kot učenk. V tem smi-
slu so tu v ospredju analitičnega zanimanja tri tematike: feminizem kot
subverzivna vednost; kritična pedagogika s perspektive »epistemologije
nelagodja«; in potenciali feminizma kot angažirane (aktivistične) teori-
je. Vprašanja in teme, ki so predlagane tukaj, niso nove, ampak pomeni-
jo nadaljevanje predhodnih epistemskih dilem in razprav tako glede femi-
nizma in progresivnih idej o izobraževanju, kot sprejemanje feministične
nuje in etične odgovornosti (Spivak, 2012).
Ključne besede: ženske študije, feminizem, »pedagogika nelagodja«, al-
ternativno izobraževanje, epistemska neposlušnost

Renata Šribar

While reflecting on our lecturing practices, many of us feminists wish to
deconstruct the ex-cathedra teaching position and its symbolic effects.
After initial inquiry into feminist pedagogy, the present discussion com-
bines basic information with the author’s teaching practice: underway in
tertiary-level education and involving University of Ljubljana students.
Some of the preconceived and some spontaneous, yet informed teaching
approaches have been tested with positive results, and are worth sharing.
They are accompanied by certain concepts, and their applied use which is
presented on the list of teaching/learning topoi.
Personal advancement in terms of more knowledgeable, skilled and emo-
tionally fulfilling teaching and learning occurred in the first phase of the
anti-Covid-19 regime and the virtual studying. The heavy working over-
load and new teaching and learning technological mode have pushed me
towards the vivified and inventive “moderation” of Zoom and Google
study meetings. The flexibility of the web lectures and seminars has pro-
moted the invention of less conventional and coded communication, and
the situational introduction of actual socio-political topics not inscribed

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