Page 164 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 5-6: Teaching Feminism, ed. Valerija Vendramin
P. 164
šolsko polje, letnik xxxi, številka 5–6

Ključne besede: triangulacija, transformacija, študijski »objekt«, uteleše-
na izkušnja, čustva

Ana Mladenović
Feminist pedagogy is a way of thinking about teaching and learning that
guides our choice of classroom practices (Shrewsbury, 1987). As such, it is
used in different ways within and across disciplines. Feminist pedagogy
offers a critical perspective on gender-related issues in everyday life and in
the educational process and facilitates transformative teaching and learn-
ing situations characterised by alternative conceptions of power and pow-
er relations. This paper focuses primarily on the teaching and learning
process, reflecting different aspects and elements of feminist pedagogy
important in the context of the educational process itself. The key ques-
tion in this regard is: what makes feminist classrooms feminist? The paper
starts by defining feminist pedagogy, focusing on its transformative pow-
er. It goes on to highlight the importance of integrating feminist pedago-
gy throughout the entire education system. Examples of feminist class-
rooms on different education levels are given, starting with preschool
education and continuing with primary and secondary education. A few
of the practices presented were acquired in the literature review, but the
majority of others, especially for the primary and secondary levels, was re-
ported in a semi-structured interview with a teacher in training. In the
conclusion, the need to include feminist pedagogy in teacher training pro-
grammes is stressed.
Keywords: feminist pedagogy, teaching and learning, feminist classrooms,
gender, education levels

Feministično pedagogiko zaznamuje način razmišljanja o poučevanju in
učenju, ki narekuje izbiro praks, ki se uporabljajo v učilnicah (Shewsbury,
1987). Feministična pedagogika je tako uporabna na različne načine zno-
traj posameznih disciplin, pa tudi med njimi. Ponuja kritičen pogled na
vprašanja, ki zadevajo spol, tako v vsakdanjem življenju kot tudi v edu-
kacijskem procesu in vpeljuje transformativno učenje in poučevanje, za-
znamovano z alternativno koncepcijo moči in odnosov moči. Prispevek
se osredotoča predvsem na dogajanje v učilnicah, to je na proces učenja
in poučevanja, skozi refleksijo različnih vidikov in elementov feministič-
ne pedagogike, ki so pomembni v kontekstu samega edukacijskega pro-
cesa. V tem smislu je ključno vprašanje: kaj je tisto, kar dela feministične
učilnice – feministične? Najprej je definirana feministična pedagogika,
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