Page 244 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 5-6: Znanje, motivacija in pogoji učenja v luči mednarodnih primerjav TIMSS in PISA, ur. Barbara Japelj Pavešić in Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
P. 244
šolsko polje, letnik xxviii, številka 5–6
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journalistic field, science policy, and cross-field effects, Journal of
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Hanushek, Eric A. (2013) Economic Growth in Developing Countries:
The Role of Human Capital, Economics of Education Review, 37, str.
Hardin, Russell (2006) Trust. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Hopfenbeck, Therese N. in Görgen, Kristine (2017) The politics of PISA:
The media, policy and public responses in Norway and England,
European Journal of Education, 52(2), str. 192–205.
Hopfenbeck, Therese N. , Lenkeit, Jenny, El Masri, Yasmine, Cantrell, Kate,
Ryan, Jeanne in Baird, Jo-Anne (2017) Lessons Learned from PISA:
A Systematic Review of Peer-Reviewed Articles on the Programme
for International Student Assessment, Scandinavian Journal of
Educational Research, str. 1–22.
Jakobi, Anja P. in Martens, Kerstin (ur.) (2010) Mechanisms of OECD gov-
ernance: International incentives for national policy-making. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Jakobi, Anja P. in Martens, Kerstin (2010) Introduction: The OECD as
an actor in international politics. V: K. Martens in A. P. Jakobi (ur.),
Mechanisms of OECD governance: International incentives for national
policy-making, str. 1–25. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Krašovec, Primož in Žagar Igor (2011) Evropa med socializmom in neoliber-
alizmom: Evropa v slovenskih medijih. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
Krueger, Alan B. (2015) The great utility of the Great Gatsby Curve’, Social
Mobility Memos (Brookings Institution) (dostopno na: http://www. posts/2015/05/19-utility-
great-gatsby-curve-krueger (28. december 2015)).
Kvernbekk, Tone (2016) Evidence-based Practice in Education: Functions of
Evidence and Causal Presuppositions. London: Routledge.
Lauder, Hugh, Brown, Phillip, Dillabough, Jo-Anne in Halsey, A.H. (ur.)
(2006) Education, Globalization and Social Change. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Levi, Margaret in Braithwaite, Valerie (ur.) (1998) Trust and Governance.
New York: Russell Sage Foundation
Lewis, Steven, Sellar, Sam in Lingard, Bob (2016) PISA for Schools:
Topological Rationality and New Spaces of the OECD’s Global
Educational Governance, Comparative Education Review, 60(1), str.
Lingard, B., and S. Rawolle. (2004) Mediatizing educational policy: The
journalistic field, science policy, and cross-field effects, Journal of
Education Policy, 19(3), str. 361–80.