Page 117 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 5-6: Pravičnost, neoliberalizem in izobraževanje, ur. Urška Štremfel
P. 117
a. mladenović ■ pomen intersekcionalnega pristopa ...
Rahmani, P. (2011) The relationship between self-esteem, achievement goals
and academic achievement among the primary school students. Proce
dia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 29, str. 803–808.
Ringrose, J. (2013) Postfeminist Education?: Girls and the Sexual Politics of
Schooling. London, New York: Routledge.
Sadker, D. M., Sadker, M., in Zittleman, K. R. (2009) Still failing at fairness:
How gender bias cheats girls and boys in school and what we can do about
it. New York: Scribner.
Salem, S. (2016) Intersectionality and its discontents: Intersectionality as tra
veling theory. European Journal of Women‘s Studies. http://ejw. sagepub.
com/content/early/2016/04/21/1350506816643999. full. pdf (pridoblje
no 16. 5. 2016).
Scambor, E., in Sidler, V. (2013) Boys in Education in Europe: Theoretical Re
flections and the Case of Early School Leaving. Journal of Boyhood Stu
dies 7 (1), str. 3–20.
Scantlebury, K. (2009) Gender Bias in Teaching. com/
reference/article/gender-bias-in-teaching/ (pridobljeno 4. 7. 2016).
Skelton, Ch. (2002) The ‚feminisation of schooling‘ or ‚re-masculinising‘ pri
mary education? International Studies in Sociology of Education 12 (1),
str. 77–96.
Smith, E. (2003) Failing boys and moral panics: Perspectives on the undera
chievement debate. British Jounal of Educational Studies 51 (3), str. 282–
Swinson, J., in Harrop, L. (2009) Teacher talk directed to boys and girls and
its relationship to their behaviour. Educational Studies 35 (5), str. 515–
Tašner, V., in Mencin Čeplak, M. (2011) Razlike v šolskih dosežkih deklic
in dečkov ter protislovja regulacije spolov. Šolsko polje XXII (3–4), str.
Ule, M. (2010) Prikrite spolne neenakosti v potekih in prehodih. Sodobna pe
dagogika 3, str. 16–29.
Vendramin, V. (2006) »Resnica« o deklicah? O raziskovanju razlik med spo
loma v šoli. Šolsko polje XVII (3–4), str. 85–98.
--- (2010) Feminizem, epistemologija in kurikulum. Sodobna pedagogika 3, str.
--- (2012) Postfeminizem: nova doba, stare težave (in kaj to pomeni za vzgojo
in izobraževanje). Šolsko polje XXIII (5–6), str. 111–120.
--- (2014) V zameno za feminizem: »uspešna« dekleta in »ospoljeni« neoli
beralizem. Časopis za kritiko znanosti XLII (256), str. 42–50.
Rahmani, P. (2011) The relationship between self-esteem, achievement goals
and academic achievement among the primary school students. Proce
dia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 29, str. 803–808.
Ringrose, J. (2013) Postfeminist Education?: Girls and the Sexual Politics of
Schooling. London, New York: Routledge.
Sadker, D. M., Sadker, M., in Zittleman, K. R. (2009) Still failing at fairness:
How gender bias cheats girls and boys in school and what we can do about
it. New York: Scribner.
Salem, S. (2016) Intersectionality and its discontents: Intersectionality as tra
veling theory. European Journal of Women‘s Studies. http://ejw. sagepub.
com/content/early/2016/04/21/1350506816643999. full. pdf (pridoblje
no 16. 5. 2016).
Scambor, E., in Sidler, V. (2013) Boys in Education in Europe: Theoretical Re
flections and the Case of Early School Leaving. Journal of Boyhood Stu
dies 7 (1), str. 3–20.
Scantlebury, K. (2009) Gender Bias in Teaching. com/
reference/article/gender-bias-in-teaching/ (pridobljeno 4. 7. 2016).
Skelton, Ch. (2002) The ‚feminisation of schooling‘ or ‚re-masculinising‘ pri
mary education? International Studies in Sociology of Education 12 (1),
str. 77–96.
Smith, E. (2003) Failing boys and moral panics: Perspectives on the undera
chievement debate. British Jounal of Educational Studies 51 (3), str. 282–
Swinson, J., in Harrop, L. (2009) Teacher talk directed to boys and girls and
its relationship to their behaviour. Educational Studies 35 (5), str. 515–
Tašner, V., in Mencin Čeplak, M. (2011) Razlike v šolskih dosežkih deklic
in dečkov ter protislovja regulacije spolov. Šolsko polje XXII (3–4), str.
Ule, M. (2010) Prikrite spolne neenakosti v potekih in prehodih. Sodobna pe
dagogika 3, str. 16–29.
Vendramin, V. (2006) »Resnica« o deklicah? O raziskovanju razlik med spo
loma v šoli. Šolsko polje XVII (3–4), str. 85–98.
--- (2010) Feminizem, epistemologija in kurikulum. Sodobna pedagogika 3, str.
--- (2012) Postfeminizem: nova doba, stare težave (in kaj to pomeni za vzgojo
in izobraževanje). Šolsko polje XXIII (5–6), str. 111–120.
--- (2014) V zameno za feminizem: »uspešna« dekleta in »ospoljeni« neoli
beralizem. Časopis za kritiko znanosti XLII (256), str. 42–50.