Page 253 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 3-4: Convention on the Rights of the Child: Educational Opportunities and Social Justice, eds. Zdenko Kodelja and Urška Štremfel
P. 253
orji ■ Authors

Zoe Moody
je profesorica na Univerzi za izobraževanje učiteljev v kantonu Valais v
Švici in višja raziskovalna sodelavka v enoti za inter- in transdisciplinar-
nost Centra za študije otrokovih pravic Univerze v Ženevi. Raziskuje in
poučuje na interdisciplinarnem področju izobraževanja in otrokovih pra-
vic. Njeni raziskovalni interesi so otrokove pravice v in z izobraževanjem,
družbeno-izobraževalna okolja, socialna kohezija, diskriminacija in nasi-
lje v šoli. Je francosko govoreča urednica »Swiss Journal of Educational
Research« in namestnica vodje mreže »Raziskovanje otrokovih pravic in
izobraževalna omrežja« (25) Evropskega združenja raziskovalcev na po-
dročju edukacije (EERA, ECER).

Zoe Moody
Professor Zoe Moody works at the University of Teacher Education Valais
and is a senior research associate at the Inter- and Transdisciplinarity
Unit, Centre for Children’s Rights Studies, University of Geneva. Her in-
terdisciplinary research and teaching activities lie at the intersection be-
tween Education and the field of children’s rights studies. Her interests
include children’s rights in and through education, socio-educative envi-
ronments, social cohesion, discriminations, school bullying. Zoe Moody
is notably the French-speaking editor of the Swiss Journal of Educational
Research and deputy link convenor of the Research on Children’s Rights
and Education Network (25) of the European Conference on Educational
Research (ECER).

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