Page 248 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 3-4: Convention on the Rights of the Child: Educational Opportunities and Social Justice, eds. Zdenko Kodelja and Urška Štremfel
P. 248
šolsko polje, letnik xxxi, številka 3–4

kompetenc. Vendar pa je samo izbira programa, ki bi ga želeli uporabiti na
ravni šole, zahtevna in odpira vprašanja tako načina izvedbe kot tudi in
predvsem preverjanja učinkovitosti ter načinov evalvacije samih progra-
mov. Obstoječi SEM programi se razlikujejo glede na pristop, vsebino in
samo izvedbo.
V tem prispevku se želimo posvetiti vprašanju spodbujanja SEM, s poseb-
nim poudarkom na vsebini in teoretičnem ozadju obstoječih programov
ter njihovih metodoloških in izvedbenih vidikov. Dodatno se osredinja-
mo na evalvacijo obstoječih programov, kateri so najpomembnejši učinki
programov in kateri vidiki izvajanja so najpomembnejši za spodbujanje ra-
zvoja SEM kompetenc v izobraževalnem kontekstu.
Prispevek predstavlja pregled vidikov, ki jih je smotrno upoštevati tako pri
razvoju kot pri izvajanju SEM programov. Pri tem izpostavljamo, da je še
posebej smiselno, da so programi zasnovani celostno kot podpora social-
no, emocionalnem in medkulturnem učenju. Glede na pomen SEM kom-
petenc za splošno dobro počutje učenk in učencev (in posledično njihovih
staršev in strokovnih delavcev šole) spodbujamo raziskovalce in praktike
k njihovi širši uporabi.
Ključne besede: socialne in emocionalne kompetence, medkulturne kom-
petence, intervencijski program, izobraževanje

Over the last few decades, there has been a significant rise in the number
of programmes aimed at developing students’ social, emotional and in-
tercultural competencies. This has coincided with growing recognition of
the role that schools have to play in fostering not only the cognitive, but
also the social and emotional development of their students. Despite tar-
geting separate competencies, there seem to be many similarities in ap-
proaches to students’ social and emotional learning (SEL) as well as devel-
oping intercultural skills, presenting a rationale for their integration and
conceptualisation on the social, emotional and intercultural (SEI) level.
The myriad of different SEI programmes provides an arsenal of useful tools
for school-based SEI learning. However, choosing which programme to
use, considering how to implement it and determining whether it will be
effective can be quite overwhelming. Existing approaches aimed at teach-
ing SEI competencies vary greatly depending on the programme, as does
the content of the programme and its design.
In this article, we seek to tackle the question of how SEI competencies
are taught, with particular emphasis on the content and theoretical or

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