Page 247 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 3-4: Convention on the Rights of the Child: Educational Opportunities and Social Justice, eds. Zdenko Kodelja and Urška Štremfel
P. 247
povzetki ■ abstracts

findings (based on thematic analysis of 15 focus groups with 157 children)
show that class representatives and forum participants are most often se-
lected based on their personality traits (eloquent children actively in-
volved in class and outside school activities, children with exemplary be-
haviour who are driven, independent, reliable, trusted and popular among
classmates and teachers) and/or their high educational attainment. They
are perceived to have better opportunities and talents than other children
and, in principle, come from families which are not socio-economical-
ly deprived. On the contrary, pupils from disadvantaged socio-econom-
ic and cultural backgrounds, children with behavioural, emotional and
learning difficulties do not receive the opportunity to actively participate
and are (at best) merely represented. Using both the Rawlsian approach to
the conceptualisation of justice (1971, 1999) and the recognition approach
(Fraser, 2001), we assess whether the arrangement and practice of child
participation in schools in Slovenia may be considered just. We argue that,
according to the first approach, the arrangement of child participation in
elementary schools in Slovenia can be considered just under certain con-
ditions whereas, according to the second approach, less so. Child partici-
pation lacks substantive equality in participation outcomes even though
in principle all children have the same right to participate.
Keywords: Child participation in elementary school, inequalities, themat-
ic analysis, egalitarian liberalism in education, recognition approach


Mirta Mornar, Jelena Matić Bojić, Iva Odak, Nina Eliasson,
Katinka Gøtzsche, Lana Jurko, Ana Kozina, Aleš Ojsteršek,
Christine Sälzer, Manja Veldin in Svenja Vieluf
V zadnjih nekaj desetletjih se je število programov za razvoj socialnih,
emocionalnih in medkulturnih kompetenc učenk in učencev v šolah
znatno povečalo. To se ujema z rastočim prepoznavanjem vloge šol pri
spodbujanju ne le spoznavnega, temveč tudi socialnega in emocionalne-
ga razvoja njihovih učenk in učencev. Čeprav področji socialnih in emo-
cionalnih kompetenc na eni strani ter medkulturnih kompetenc na dru-
gi izhajata iz raziskovalno različnih področij, se zdi njihovo združevanje v
skupno socialno, emocionalno in medkulturno učenje (SEM) zaradi po-
dobnosti med pristopi smiselno.
Obstaja zelo veliko različnih SEM programov, ki ponujajo številne upo-
rabne pripomočke za razvoj socialnih, emocionalnih in medkulturnih

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