Page 245 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 3-4: Convention on the Rights of the Child: Educational Opportunities and Social Justice, eds. Zdenko Kodelja and Urška Štremfel
P. 245
povzetki ■ abstracts

pravica otrok, temveč tudi odraslih. Poleg tega je pravica do izobraževanja
tesno povezana z uresničevanjem vseh drugih pravic. Prispevek predstavi
splošen pregled uresničevanje pravice glede na opredelitve 28. in 29. člena
Konvencije. Nato pa predstavi nekaj uresničevanja konvencije na izbranih
področjih. Gre za izobraževanje romskih otrok, kvaliteto znanja, zaseb-
no šolstvo. Na kompleksnost problematike uresničevanja pravice romskih
otrok do izobraževanja je večkrat opozorjeno v mednarodnih poročilih
Republike Slovenije o uresničevanju konvencije. Manj jasno pa je, da je
tudi kvaliteta znanja, ki ga dobijo učenci v šoli, moment, ki ga je mogoče
obravnavati iz zornega kota konvencije. Prispevek tudi analizira ureditev
zasebnega šolstva: to je področje izobraževanja, ki je bilo v Sloveniji dele-
žno največjih sprememb v obdobju po sprejemu Konvencije o otrokovih
pravicah, analiza pa pokaže, da je ureditev taka, da v celoti zadošča zahte-
vam, ki so zapisane v Konvenciji.
Ključne besede: Konvencija o otrokovih pravicah, izobraževanje, romski
otroci, kvaliteta znanja, zasebno šolstvo

The article presents the realization of the right to education, as set out in
the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in the Republic of Slovenia.
At the outset, attention is drawn to the special status of the right to edu-
cation, which is not only the right of children, but also adults. Moreover,
the right to education is closely linked to the realization of all other rights.
This article presents a general overview of the implementation of rights
according to Articles 28 and 29 of the Convention. Then it outlines the
problems with the implementation of the Convention in selected areas.
The main points are related to the education of Roma children, the qual-
ity of knowledge, private education. The complexity of the problem of
the realization of the rights of Romani children to education has been re-
peatedly pointed out in international RS reports on the implementation
of the Convention. It is not so obvious, however, that the quality of the
knowledge received by students in schools is also an aspect that should be
considered from the perspective of the Convention. This article analyses
the regulation of private schools: this is the area of e​​ ducation in Slovenia
where the biggest normative and factual change has occurred in the peri-
od after the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The
analysis shows that the arrangement is such that it satisfies the require-
ments set forth in the Convention.
Keywords: Convention on the Rights of the Child, education, Romani
children, quality of knowledge, private education

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