Page 53 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 3-4: IEA ICILS in druge sodobne teme, ur. Eva Klemenčič
P. 53
p. mirazchiyski ■ the digital divide ...

Variable name Variable description Type Categories/Properties
IP1G15B Management of ICT/Professional Categorical 1-3 (None or almost
IP1G15C development/Working with another Categorical none-Many)
IP1G15D teacher who has attended a course Categorical 1-3 (None or almost
IP1G15E Management of ICT/Professional Categorical none-Many)
development/Discussing the use of 1-3 (None or almost
IP1G15F ICT in education Categorical none-Many)
Management of ICT/Professional 1-3 (None or almost
IP1G15G development/Observing colleagues Categorical none-Many)
using ICT in their teaching
IP1G15H Management of ICT/Professional Categorical 1-3 (None or almost
IP1G16A development/Discussing within gro- Categorical none-Many)
IP1G16B ups of teachers about using ICT in Categorical
IP1G16C their teaching Categorical 1-3 (None or almost
IP1G16D Management of ICT/Professional Categorical none-Many)
IP1G16E development/Participating in a [com- Categorical
IP1G16F munity of practice] concerned with Categorical 1-3 (None or almost
IP1G16G ICT in teaching Categorical none-Many)
Management of ICT/Professional
development/Participating in cour- 1-4 (High priority-Not
ses conducted by an external agen- a priority)
cy or expert
Management of ICT/Professional 1-4 (High priority-Not
development/Participating in pro- a priority)
fessional learning programs delivered
through ICT 1-4 (High priority-Not
Management of ICT/Priority to faci- a priority)
litate ICT/Increasing the numbers of
computers per student in the school 1-4 (High priority-Not
Management of ICT/Priority to faci- a priority)
litate ICT/Increasing the number of
computers connected to the Internet 1-4 (High priority-Not
Management of ICT/Priority to faci- a priority)
litate ICT/Increasing the bandwidth
of Internet access for the computers 1-4 (High priority-Not
Management of ICT/Priority to faci- a priority)
litate ICT/Increasing the range of di-
gital learning resources 1-4 (High priority-Not
Management of ICT/Priority to faci- a priority)
litate ICT/Establishing or enhancing
an online learning support platform
Management of ICT/Priority to faci-
litate ICT/Providing for participation
in professional development
Management of ICT/Priority to faci-
litate ICT/Increasing the availability
of qualified technical personnel

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