Page 52 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 3-4: IEA ICILS in druge sodobne teme, ur. Eva Klemenčič
P. 52
šolsko polje, letnik xxvii, številka 3–4

Variable name Variable description Type Categories/Properties
IP1G13IB Management of ICT/responsibility
IP1G13IC for ICT/Students learn how to evalu- Dichotomous 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
IP1G13ID ate/School principal or deputy marked
IP1G13IE Management of ICT/responsibility
IP1G13IF for ICT/Students learn how to evalu- Dichotomous 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
IP1G13IG ate/Heads of department marked
IP1G14B Management of ICT/responsibility
for ICT/Students learn how to evalu- Dichotomous 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
IP1G14C ate/ICT coordinator marked
IP1G14D Management of ICT/responsibility
IP1G14E for ICT/Students learn how to evalu- Dichotomous 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
IP1G14G ate/Info specialist or librarian marked
IP1G14H Management of ICT/responsibility
IP1G14I for ICT/Students learn how to evalu- Dichotomous 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
IP1G15A ate/Individual teachers marked
Management of ICT/responsibility
for ICT/Students learn how to evalu- Dichotomous 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
ate/No one marked
Management of ICT/Procedures
ICT use/Restricting the number of Dichotomous 1 – Yes, 2 – No
hours students are allowed to sit at a
computer Dichotomous 1 – Yes, 2 – No
Management of ICT/Procedures
ICT use/Student access to school Dichotomous 1 – Yes, 2 – No
computers outside class hours (but
during school hours) Dichotomous 1 – Yes, 2 – No
Management of ICT/Procedures
ICT use/Student access to school Dichotomous 1 – Yes, 2 – No
computers outside school hours
Management of ICT/Procedures Dichotomous 1 – Yes, 2 – No
ICT use/Honouring of intellectu-
al property rights (e.g. software co- Dichotomous 1 – Yes, 2 – No
Management of ICT/Procedures Categorical 1-3 (None or almost
ICT use/Playing games on school none-Many)
Management of ICT/Procedures
ICT use/Giving the local communi-
ty (parents and/or others) access to
school computers
Management of ICT/Procedures
ICT use/Providing students with
their own laptop computers
Management of ICT/Professional
development/Participating in cour-
ses on the use of ICT in teaching

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