Page 50 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 3-4: IEA ICILS in druge sodobne teme, ur. Eva Klemenčič
P. 50
šolsko polje, letnik xxvii, številka 3–4

Variable name Variable description Type Categories/Properties
IP1G13EC Management of ICT/responsibility Dichotomous 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
IP1G13ED for ICT/Implementing ICT appro- Dichotomous
IP1G13EE aches in teaching/Heads of depart- Dichotomous marked
IP1G13EF ment Dichotomous 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
IP1G13EG Management of ICT/responsibility Dichotomous
IP1G13FA for ICT/Implementing ICT approa- Dichotomous marked
IP1G13FB ches in teaching/ICT coordinator Dichotomous 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
IP1G13FC Management of ICT/responsibility Dichotomous
IP1G13FD for ICT/Implementing ICT approa- Dichotomous marked
IP1G13FE ches in teaching/Info specialist or li- Dichotomous 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
IP1G13FF brarian Dichotomous
IP1G13FG Management of ICT/responsibility Dichotomous marked
IP1G13GA for ICT/Implementing ICT approa- Dichotomous 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
ches in teaching/Individual teachers
Management of ICT/responsibility marked
for ICT/Implementing ICT approa- 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
ches in teaching/No one
Management of ICT/responsibility marked
for ICT/Implementing ICT approa-
ches in administration/[Ministry or 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
local authority] marked
Management of ICT/responsibility
for ICT/Implementing ICT approa- 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
ches in administration/School princi- marked
pal or deputy
Management of ICT/responsibility 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
for ICT/Implementing ICT approa- marked
ches in administration/Heads of de-
partment 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
Management of ICT/responsibility marked
for ICT/Implementing ICT appro-
aches in administration/ICT coor- 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
dinator marked
Management of ICT/responsibility
for ICT/Implementing ICT approa- 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
ches in administration/Info specialist marked
or librarian
Management of ICT/responsibility 1 – Marked, 2 – Not
for ICT/Implementing ICT appro- marked
aches in administration/Individu-
al teachers
Management of ICT/responsibility
for ICT/Implementing ICT approa-
ches in administration/No one
Management of ICT/responsibili-
ty for ICT/Using ICT-based appro-
aches to assessment/[Ministry or lo-
cal authority]

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