Page 43 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 3-4: IEA ICILS in druge sodobne teme, ur. Eva Klemenčič
P. 43
p. mirazchiyski ■ the digital divide ...

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Control variables used in the regression models
Table 1. Student variables.

Variable name Variable description Type Categories/Properties
S_SEX Sex of student Dichotomous 0 – Boy, 1 - Girl
IS1G13A How many computers are cur- Continuous Open ended
rently used in your home? (de-
IS1G13B sktop) Continuous Open ended
How many computers are cur-
IS1G17A rently used in your home? (porta- Categorical 1-5 (Never-Everyday)
IS1G17B ble devices) Categorical 1-5 (Never-Everyday)
IS1G17C How often do you use a compu- Categorical 1-5 (Never-Everyday)
S_INTRST ter in these places? (home) Continuous
S_USEAPP How often do you use a compu- Continuous M=50, SD=10
S_USECOM ter in these places? (school) Continuous M=50, SD=10
S_USEINF How often do you use a compu- Continuous M=50, SD=10
S_USELRN ter in these places? (other place) Continuous M=50, SD=10
S_USEREC Interest and enjoyment in using Continuous M=50, SD=10
S_USESTD ICT scale Continuous M=50, SD=10
S_ISCED Use of specific ICT applicati- Categorical M=50, SD=10
S_BASEFF ons scale Continuous 0-4 (ISCED levels)
Use of ICT for social communi- M=50, SD=10
cation scale
Use of ICT for exchanging infor-
mation scale
Use of ICT during lessons at
school scale
Use of ICT for recreation scale
Use of ICT for study purpo-
ses scale
Expected education by student
ICT self-efficacy basic skills scale

   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48