Page 248 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 3-4: IEA ICILS in druge sodobne teme, ur. Eva Klemenčič
P. 248
šolsko polje, letnik xxvii, številka 3–4
jo predvsem polisemijo, kolokacije in besedotvorje. Kvantitativna analiza
pokaže, da so na prvem mestu po frekvenci pravopisne napake, na drugem
oblikoslovno-skladenjske, na zadnjem pa pomensko-leksikalne. Glede na
izvor prednjačijo prvine, ki jih v materinščini ni, sledi pa negativni trans­
fer. Prav slednji ne izhaja zgolj iz slovenščine, pač pa tudi iz narečja in dru­
gega tujega jezika.
Ključne besede: analiza napak, kontrastivna analiza, slovenščina, italijan­

Most Frequent Written Production Errors at Vocational
Matura Exam of Italian

The article focuses on written production errors that Slovene students
make at the vocational matura examination of Italian. The qualitative
part of the analysis classifies the errors and explains their origin. Errors
on the phono-orthographic level perfectly cover the differences betwe­
en the two languages (in Slovene there is no q letter, no distinction be­
tween [ʎ] and [ŋ], no geminate consonants etc.). The same happens on
the morphosyntactic level where errors concern the use of articles and su­
bjunctive mood, the form of nouns and verbs, syntactic calques, sequen­
ce of tenses and verb valency. On the lexical and semantic level the errors
are fewer and concern mostly polysemy, collocations and word formation.
The quantitative part puts in the first place orthographic errors, followed
by morphosyntactic ones and in the last place we find semantic and lexical
errors. Depending on the error origins, the first place goes to elements not
present in the mother tongue, while the second to the negative transfer
from it. Negative transfer was observed to have origins not only from the
mother tongue but also from the dialect and another foreign language.
Key words: error analysis, contrastive analysis, Slovene, Italian

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