Page 247 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 3-4: IEA ICILS in druge sodobne teme, ur. Eva Klemenčič
P. 247
abstracts ■ povzetki

čenost v program s strani učitelja. S tem se za udejanjanje dob­re inkluzi­
je poleg ekonomskih dejavnikov potrjuje pomembnost upoštevanja tudi
kulturnih in političnih dejavnikov.
Ključne besede: inkluzija, koncept pripoznanja, programi za otroke s po­
sebnimi potrebami, faktorji rekognicije, redistribucije, reprezentacije

Latent structure of recognition in educational programs
for children with special needs

The determination of the factors of socially just education - inclusion, as it
is defined by the elements of recognition in the economic, cultural and po­
litical field (the field of recognition, redistribution, representation) is very
important for the analysis of inclusiveness of schools. With the help of re­
cognition concept, the factors of successful inclusion can be defined thus
making it easier to implement inclusion, because in practice we find that it
is often implemented only on paper. By identifying latent structure of the
recognition we have determined the most important factors for success­
ful inclusion in program with adjustments and additional professional as­
sistance and adjusted educational program with lower educational stan­
dards. The research results based on the observation of children‘s work in
the class indicate that for the time being, the representation with verbal
participation of a child and recognition of mutual relations are most im­
portant in programs for children with special needs. The economic requi­
rement of ensuring conditions for the recognition of a teacher is of great
importance. This shows the importance of economic factors along with
political and cultural factors.
Key words: inclusion, the concept of recognition, programs for children
with special needs, factors of recognition, redistribution, representation.
Helena Bažec

Najpogostejše napake pri pisnem sporočanju na poklicni
maturi iz italijanščine

Članek se osredotoča na napake, ki jih najdemo pri pisni produkciji na po­
klicni maturi iz italijanskega jezika kot drugega ali tujega jezika. V kva­
litativnem delu analize se napake analizirajo in poišče se njihov izvor.
Napake na fonološki in pravopisni ravnini se povsem ujemajo z razlika­
mi med jezikoma (slovenščina nima črke q, ne razlikuje med fonemoma
[ʎ] in [ŋ], nima podvojenih soglasnikov itd.). Enako velja za oblikoslov­
no-skladenjsko ravnino, kjer napake zadevajo rabo člena in konjunktiva,
obliko samostalnikov in glagolov, sintaktične kalke, sosledico časov in va­
lenco glagolov. Na leksikalno-pomenski ravnini je napak manj in zadeva­

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