Page 253 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 3-4: IEA ICILS in druge sodobne teme, ur. Eva Klemenčič
P. 253
authors ■ avtorji
dination of the PISA study at the national level and representation of Slo
venia in the PISA Governing Board. In addition to research in education,
her research work focuses on statistical approaches to analyzing the data
from international large-scale assessments.
Tina Rutar Leban
Tina Rutar Leban se raziskovalno ukvarja z evalvacijskimi raziskavami
ter z drugimi nacionalnimi in mednarodnimi študijami ter projekti, ki se
osredotočajo na predšolsko ter šolsko izobraževanje. Trenutno sodeluje v
mednarodnem projektu, ki se osredotoča na analizo ter spodbujanje dife
renciacije pouka v osnovni šoli.
Tina Rutar Leban is a researcher in evaluation studies and other national
and international studies and projects that focus on pre-school and school
education. Currently she is participating in an international project, whi
ch focuses on analyzing and promoting the differentiation of instructions
in primary school.
Barbara Neža Brečko
Dr. Barbara Neža Brečko je zaposlena kot raziskovalka na Fakulteti za
družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani, na Centru za družboslovno informa
tiko, kjer sodeluje pri nacionalnih in mednarodnih študijah predvsem s
področja informacijske družbe in izobraževanja. Njeno interesno področ
je je metodologija raziskovanja, pri čemer se osredotoča predvsem na razi
skovanje v izobraževanju, uporabo informacijsko-komunikacijske tehno
logije in merjenje digitalnih kompetenc.
Barbara Neža Brečko holds a PhD in methodology, she works as a resear
cher at Faculty of Social Sciences at University of Ljubljana in the Centre
for social informatics. She participates in national and international stu
dies in the field of social informatics and education. Her focus is on the
methodology of research, especially in education, and the use of ICT and
digital competence.
Tanja Potočnik Mesarić
Kot doktorantka na Fakulteti za družbene vede se avtorica ukvarja z zgo
dovinskim razvojem univerze ter z njenim položajem v družbi nekoč in
danes. Nasploh je njeno specialistično področje izobraževanje in prehod v
zaposlitev, na katerem je objavila tudi več člankov. Zaposlena je na Bioteh
niški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, članica MEKS in SKZ.
As a doctoral student at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Tanja Potočnik
Mesarić deals with the historical development of the university and its po
sition in society in the past and present. In general, her scientific field en
compasses education and transition into employment, in which she has
dination of the PISA study at the national level and representation of Slo
venia in the PISA Governing Board. In addition to research in education,
her research work focuses on statistical approaches to analyzing the data
from international large-scale assessments.
Tina Rutar Leban
Tina Rutar Leban se raziskovalno ukvarja z evalvacijskimi raziskavami
ter z drugimi nacionalnimi in mednarodnimi študijami ter projekti, ki se
osredotočajo na predšolsko ter šolsko izobraževanje. Trenutno sodeluje v
mednarodnem projektu, ki se osredotoča na analizo ter spodbujanje dife
renciacije pouka v osnovni šoli.
Tina Rutar Leban is a researcher in evaluation studies and other national
and international studies and projects that focus on pre-school and school
education. Currently she is participating in an international project, whi
ch focuses on analyzing and promoting the differentiation of instructions
in primary school.
Barbara Neža Brečko
Dr. Barbara Neža Brečko je zaposlena kot raziskovalka na Fakulteti za
družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani, na Centru za družboslovno informa
tiko, kjer sodeluje pri nacionalnih in mednarodnih študijah predvsem s
področja informacijske družbe in izobraževanja. Njeno interesno področ
je je metodologija raziskovanja, pri čemer se osredotoča predvsem na razi
skovanje v izobraževanju, uporabo informacijsko-komunikacijske tehno
logije in merjenje digitalnih kompetenc.
Barbara Neža Brečko holds a PhD in methodology, she works as a resear
cher at Faculty of Social Sciences at University of Ljubljana in the Centre
for social informatics. She participates in national and international stu
dies in the field of social informatics and education. Her focus is on the
methodology of research, especially in education, and the use of ICT and
digital competence.
Tanja Potočnik Mesarić
Kot doktorantka na Fakulteti za družbene vede se avtorica ukvarja z zgo
dovinskim razvojem univerze ter z njenim položajem v družbi nekoč in
danes. Nasploh je njeno specialistično področje izobraževanje in prehod v
zaposlitev, na katerem je objavila tudi več člankov. Zaposlena je na Bioteh
niški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, članica MEKS in SKZ.
As a doctoral student at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Tanja Potočnik
Mesarić deals with the historical development of the university and its po
sition in society in the past and present. In general, her scientific field en
compasses education and transition into employment, in which she has