Page 246 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 3-4: IEA ICILS in druge sodobne teme, ur. Eva Klemenčič
P. 246
šolsko polje, letnik xxvii, številka 3–4
Entrepreneurial Competences and School Leadership
as a Topic in Slovenian Bibliography
The educational system is faced with rapid changes in the globalized wor
ld which must be able to respond to them, and this, in turn, requires a
flexible reaction in the management methods and the acquisition of re
levant skills by the school leaders in order to cope with the new challen
ges. Entrepreneurial competences could here be of assistance to school lea
ders when seeking solutions. Therefore, we are here interested in how this
topic reflects in the Slovenian bibliography – the extent and the charac
teristics of emerging terms as well as the types of competences that prefe
rably occur are considered. By filtering specific phrases on the topic of en
trepreneurial leadership and competences, offered by the digital records of
the bibliographic units in Slovenia, answers have been provided. The ob
served results indicate the preferences of »soft« entrepreneurial skills as
oppose to »hard« ones; the reflections of the characteristics of the social
situation in the Slovenian character and values can be recognized in them.
Some of these are important findings to those dealing with the education
of principals in order to expose the core competences for school manage
ment, even if the schools as such will not be faced with the market situati
on and will function as a public institution.
Key words: leadership competences, entrepreneurial leadership, principals,
bibliographic units, public schools
Marjeta Šmid in Martina Ozbič
Latentna struktura pripoznanja v izobraževalnih programih
za otroke s posebnimi potrebami
Ugotavljanje dejavnikov socialno pravičnega izobraževanja – inkluzije,
kot jo opredeljujejo elementi pripoznanja na ekonomskem, kulturnem in
političnem področju (področje redistribucije, rekognicije in reprezentaci
je), je za analizo inkluzivnosti šol zelo pomembno. S pomočjo pripoznanja
lahko definiramo dejavnike uspešne inkluzije, zaradi česar jo lažje udejan
jamo, saj v praksi ugotavljamo, da je pogosto le na papirju. Z ugotavljanjem
latentne strukture pripoznanja smo določili najpomembnejše dejavnike za
uspešno inkluzijo v izobraževalnem programu s prilagojenim izvajanjem
in dodatno strokovno pomočjo ter v prilagojenem programu z nižjim iz
obrazbenim standardom. Rezultati raziskave so na podlagi opazovanja
učencev pri pouku pokazali, da sta v omenjenih programih za otroke s po
sebnimi potrebami najpomembnejši politični dejavnik verbalna participa
cija učenca in kulturni dejavnik pripoznanje v medsebojnih odnosih. Zelo
pomembna je ekonomska zahteva zagotavljanja pogojev za uspešno vklju
Entrepreneurial Competences and School Leadership
as a Topic in Slovenian Bibliography
The educational system is faced with rapid changes in the globalized wor
ld which must be able to respond to them, and this, in turn, requires a
flexible reaction in the management methods and the acquisition of re
levant skills by the school leaders in order to cope with the new challen
ges. Entrepreneurial competences could here be of assistance to school lea
ders when seeking solutions. Therefore, we are here interested in how this
topic reflects in the Slovenian bibliography – the extent and the charac
teristics of emerging terms as well as the types of competences that prefe
rably occur are considered. By filtering specific phrases on the topic of en
trepreneurial leadership and competences, offered by the digital records of
the bibliographic units in Slovenia, answers have been provided. The ob
served results indicate the preferences of »soft« entrepreneurial skills as
oppose to »hard« ones; the reflections of the characteristics of the social
situation in the Slovenian character and values can be recognized in them.
Some of these are important findings to those dealing with the education
of principals in order to expose the core competences for school manage
ment, even if the schools as such will not be faced with the market situati
on and will function as a public institution.
Key words: leadership competences, entrepreneurial leadership, principals,
bibliographic units, public schools
Marjeta Šmid in Martina Ozbič
Latentna struktura pripoznanja v izobraževalnih programih
za otroke s posebnimi potrebami
Ugotavljanje dejavnikov socialno pravičnega izobraževanja – inkluzije,
kot jo opredeljujejo elementi pripoznanja na ekonomskem, kulturnem in
političnem področju (področje redistribucije, rekognicije in reprezentaci
je), je za analizo inkluzivnosti šol zelo pomembno. S pomočjo pripoznanja
lahko definiramo dejavnike uspešne inkluzije, zaradi česar jo lažje udejan
jamo, saj v praksi ugotavljamo, da je pogosto le na papirju. Z ugotavljanjem
latentne strukture pripoznanja smo določili najpomembnejše dejavnike za
uspešno inkluzijo v izobraževalnem programu s prilagojenim izvajanjem
in dodatno strokovno pomočjo ter v prilagojenem programu z nižjim iz
obrazbenim standardom. Rezultati raziskave so na podlagi opazovanja
učencev pri pouku pokazali, da sta v omenjenih programih za otroke s po
sebnimi potrebami najpomembnejši politični dejavnik verbalna participa
cija učenca in kulturni dejavnik pripoznanje v medsebojnih odnosih. Zelo
pomembna je ekonomska zahteva zagotavljanja pogojev za uspešno vklju