Page 189 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 1-2: Nasilje, šola, družba I, ur. Mitja Sardoč in Barbara Japelj Pavešić
P. 189
povzetki ■ abstracts
While the slogan ‚we recognize violence, when we see it‘ clearly illustra-
tes the impact of its presence, the problem of violence – both conceptual-
ly and empirically – is anything but simple or unproblematic. Given the
the fact that the analysis of any of its dimensions or conceptions opens a
range of contradictions, tensions, and challenges, the understanding of vi-
olence remains largely selective or incomplete at best. This paper analyzes
some of the problems of increased sensitivity to violence and several of
the related problems associated with it. The introductory section presents
the different dimensions of the study of violence and some of the central
problems faced by the different strategies for tackling this social problem.
The following section presents some of the fundamental dimensions of
the ‚standard‘ conception of violence that is based on the dichotomy of
the ‚narrow‘ and ‚broad ‚conception of violence. The central part analyzes
a shift of emphasis in broadening the concept of violence. Given the diffe-
rent problems, dilemmas and challenges posed by both the ‚standard‘ un-
derstanding of violence and its various alternatives, particular attention is
drawn to the analysis of some paradoxes associated with the ‚new‘ sensibi-
lity towards violence. The final part of the paper challenges the increased
sensitivity to various forms of violence and the related problem of ‚con-
ceptual inflation‘.
Keywords: violence, ‚standard‘ conception of violence, moral panic, zero
tolerance, violence in schools
While the slogan ‚we recognize violence, when we see it‘ clearly illustra-
tes the impact of its presence, the problem of violence – both conceptual-
ly and empirically – is anything but simple or unproblematic. Given the
the fact that the analysis of any of its dimensions or conceptions opens a
range of contradictions, tensions, and challenges, the understanding of vi-
olence remains largely selective or incomplete at best. This paper analyzes
some of the problems of increased sensitivity to violence and several of
the related problems associated with it. The introductory section presents
the different dimensions of the study of violence and some of the central
problems faced by the different strategies for tackling this social problem.
The following section presents some of the fundamental dimensions of
the ‚standard‘ conception of violence that is based on the dichotomy of
the ‚narrow‘ and ‚broad ‚conception of violence. The central part analyzes
a shift of emphasis in broadening the concept of violence. Given the diffe-
rent problems, dilemmas and challenges posed by both the ‚standard‘ un-
derstanding of violence and its various alternatives, particular attention is
drawn to the analysis of some paradoxes associated with the ‚new‘ sensibi-
lity towards violence. The final part of the paper challenges the increased
sensitivity to various forms of violence and the related problem of ‚con-
ceptual inflation‘.
Keywords: violence, ‚standard‘ conception of violence, moral panic, zero
tolerance, violence in schools