Page 158 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 1-2: The Language of Neoliberal Education, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 158
šolsko polje, letnik xxix, številka 1–2

Mark Olssen
Mark Olssen, FAcSS, is Emeritus Professor of Political Theory and
Education Policy in the Department of Politics at the University of Surrey.
His most recent books are Liberalism, Neoliberalism, Social Democracy:
Thin Communitarian Perspectives on Political Philosophy and Education
(Routledge, 2010); Toward A Global Thin Community: Nietzsche,
Foucault, and the Cosmopolitan Commitment (Paradigm Press, 2009). He
is also co-author (with John Codd and Anne-Marie O’Neill) of Education
Policy: Globalisation, Citizenship, Democracy, (Sage, London, 2004) and au-
thor of Michel Foucault: Materialism and Education (Greenwood Press,
New York, 1999/Paradigm Press, Boulder, 2006). He has also published
many book chapters and articles in academic journals in Britain, America
and in Australasia. Most recently, an interview by Raaper, Rille, titled,
‘Mark Olssen on the neoliberalisation of higher education and academ-
ic lives: an interview,’ Policy Futures in Education and ‘Neoliberalism and
Higher Education Today: Research, Accountability and Impact’, British
Journal of Sociology of Education (2016).
Mark Olssen, FAcSS, je zaslužni profesor politične teorije in izobraževalne
politike na oddelku za politologijo na Univerzi v Surreyu. Njegove najnovejše
knjige so Liberalism, Neoliberalism, Social Democracy: Thin Communitarian
Perspectives on Political Philosophy and Education (Routledge, 2010); Toward
A Global Thin Community: Nietzsche, Foucault, and the Cosmopolitan
Commitment (Paradigm Press, 2009). Skupaj z Johnom Coddom in Anne-
Marie O’Neill je tudi soavtor knjige Education Policy: Globalisation,
Citizenship, Democracy, (Sage, London, 2004). Je tudi avtor knjige Michel
Foucault: Materialism and Education (Greenwood Press, New York, 1999/
Paradigm Press, Boulder, 2006). Objavil je tudi številna poglavja in članke v
znanstvenih revijah v Veliki Britaniji, ZDA in v Avstraliji. Nedavno je Rille
Raaper v reviji Policy Futures in Education z njim objavila intervju z naslo-
vom ‘Mark Olssen on the neoliberalisation of higher education and academ-
ic lives: an interview’. V reviji British Journal of Sociology of Education je ob-
javil tudi članek ‘Neoliberalism and Higher Education Today: Research,
Accountability and Impact’ (2016).

Rodolfo Leyva
Rodolfo Leyva has a Ph.D in Political Sociology from King’s College
London. He is currently a fellow in media and communications at the
London School of Economics and Political Science. His research employs
experiments, quantitative, and qualitative methods, and draws on sociolog-
ical and cognitive science theories. His main area of research concerns the
development and empirical verification of a systems theory that can help

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