Page 160 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 1-2: The Language of Neoliberal Education, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 160
šolsko polje, letnik xxix, številka 1–2

and Education: Pedagogical Investigations (2017) ter Neoliberalism and
After? Education, Social Policy and the Crisis of Capitalism (2011). O teh in
s tem povezanimi zadevami je deloval kot svetovalec UNESCU ter vlad-
am vladam v ZDA, na Škotskem, v Novi Zelandiji, Južni Afriki in EU.
Leta 2010 je postal častni član Kraljevskega društva Nove Zelandije. Leta
2012 je prejel časten doktorat na Državni univerzi v New Yorku (SUNY)
in leta 2015 na Univerzi v Aalborgu (Danska).

Mitja Sardoč
Mitja Sardoč (PhD) is a senior research associate at the Educational
Research Institute in Ljubljana (Slovenia) where he is member of the
‘Social Contract in the 21st Century’ research programme. He is author
of scholarly articles and editor of a number of journal special issues on
citizenship education, multiculturalism, toleration, equality of opportu-
nity and patriotism. He is Managing Editor of Theory and Research in
Education [] and member of the editorial board
of Educational Philosophy and Theory and the Open Review of Educational
Research. He edited two books published by Wiley (Citizenship, Inclusion
and Democracy and Toleration, Respect and Recognition in Education). He
is also a contributing author to the SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational
Theory and Philosophy. He is editor-in-chief of The Handbook of Patriotism
[ Patriotism] that is to be published by
Springer in 2018.
Mitja Sardoč (PhD) je zaposlen kot raziskovalec na Pedagoškem inšti-
tutu v Ljubljani, kjer je član programske skupine ‘Družbena pogodba v
21. stoletju’. Je avtor znanstvenih in strokovnih člankov s širšega področ-
ja vzgoje in izobraževanja ter urednik vrste tematskih številk domačih
in tujih znanstvenih revij s področja državljanske vzgoje, multikultural-
izma, enakih možnosti itn. Je glavni urednik revije Theory and Research
in Education, odgovorni urednik revije Šolsko polje ter član uredniške-
ga odbora revij Educational Philosophy and Theory ter Open Review of
Educational Research. Je tudi urednik dveh zbornikov, ki sta izšli pri založ-
bi Blackwell (Citizenship, Inclusion and Democracy ter Toleration, Respect
and Recognition in Education), avtor monografije Multikulturalizem: pro
et contra ter soavtor monografije Enake možnosti in družbena (ne)enakost
v družbi znanja. Je urednik publikacije Handbook of Patriotism, ki bo izš-
la pri založbi Springer.

Urška Štremfel
Urška Štremfel, PhD, is a research fellow at the Educational Research
Institute in Ljubljana and part-time research fellow at the Centre for

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