Page 162 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 1-2: The Language of Neoliberal Education, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 162
šolsko polje, letnik xxix, številka 1–2

kraljestva za izdelavo virov za univerzitetne predavatelje. Je pridružena
urednica pri reviji Postdigital Science and Education (Springer). Njene ra-
ziskovalne publikacije lahko najdete na spletnih straneh Orcid, Google
Scholar in Aston Research Explorer.
Petar Jandrić
Petar Jandrić is Professor and Director of BSc (Informatics) programme
at the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Croatia. His previous ac-
ademic affiliations include Croatian Academic and Research Network,
National e-Science Centre at the University of Edinburgh, Glasgow
School of Art, and the University of East London. Petar’s research inter-
ests are situated at the post-disciplinary intersections between technolo-
gies, pedagogies and the society, and research methodologies of his choice
are inter-, trans-, and anti-disciplinarity. His latest books are Learning in
the Age of Digital Reason (2017) and The Digital University: A Dialogue
and Manifesto (2018). He is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Postdigital
Science and Education:
guage/journal/42438. Personal website:   
Petar Jandrić je profesor in direktor študijskega programa Informatika
na Zagrebški univerzi uporabnih znanosti na Hrvaškem. Njegove prejšn-
je akademske povezave vključujejo Hrvaško akademsko in raziskovalno
mrežo, Nacionalni center e-znanosti na Univerzi v Edinburgu, Glasgow
School of Art ter na Univerzi v East Londonu. Njegovi raziskovalni inter-
esi so umeščeni na postdisciplinarnih križiščih med tehnologijami, peda-
gogikami in družbo, njegove raziskovalne metodologije pa so med-, trans-
in anti-disciplinarnost. Njegove najnovejše knjige so Learning in the Age
of Digital Reason (2017) in Digital University: Dialogue and Manifesto
(2018). Je glavni urednik revije Postdigital Science and Education: https:// 26+language/journal/42438. Osebna
spletna stran:

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