Page 159 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 1-2: The Language of Neoliberal Education, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 159
avtorji ■ authors

describe and predict a) the cognitive-affective and social-structural mech-
anisms through which individuals consciously and non-consciously acquire
and reproduce neoliberal ideology. And b) the distinct dispositions and be-
haviours that can be said to typify a neoliberal subject.
Rodolfo Leyva ima doktorat iz politične sociologije na King’s College v
Londonu. Trenutno je sodelavec za medije in komunikacije na London
School of Economics and Political Science. Njegove raziskave vključujejo ek-
sperimentalne, kvantitativne in kvalitativne metode ter se opirajo na soci-
ološke in kognitivne teorije. Njegovo glavno področje raziskovanja zadeva
razvoj in empirično preverjanje sistemske teorije, ki lahko pomaga opisati in
napovedati a) kognitivno-afektivne in socialno-strukturne mehanizme s po-
močjo katerih posamezniki zavestno in nezavedno pridobivajo in reprodu-
cirajo neoliberalno ideologijo ter b) različne razprave in vedenja, za katere je
mogoče reči, da tipizirajo neoliberalni subjekt.

Michael A. Peters
Michael A. Peters is Distinguished Professor of Education at Beijing
Normal University Faculty of Education PRC, and Emeritus Professor at
the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign. He is the executive ed-
itor of the journal, Educational Philosophy and Theory, and founding edi-
tor of five international journals, Policy Futures in Education, E-Learning
and Digital Media (SAGE), and Knowledge Cultures (Addleton), The
Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy (Springer), Open Review of
Education Research (T&F). His interests are in philosophy, education
and social policy and he has written over one hundred books, including
most recently: Wittgenstein and Education: Pedagogical Investigations
(2017) and  Neoliberalism and After? Education, Social Policy and the
Crisis of Capitalism (2011). He has acted as an advisor to governments and
UNESCO on these and related matters in the USA, Scotland, NZ, South
Africa and the EU. He was made an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society
of NZ in 2010 and awarded honorary doctorates by State University of
New York (SUNY) in 2012 and University of Aalborg in 2015.
Michael A. Peters je profesor na Fakulteti vzgoje in izobraževanja na
Pedagoški fakulteti Beijing Normal University ter zaslužni profesor na
University of Illinois v Urbana–Champaign (ZDA). Je izvršni ured-
nik revije Educational Philosophy and Theory in ustanovitni urednik pe-
tih mednarodnih revij, in sicer Policy Futures in Education, E-Learning
and Digital Media (SAGE) ter Knowledge Cultures (Addleton), The Video
Journal of Education and Pedagogy (Springer), Open Review of Education
Research (T&F). Njegovi interesi so v filozofiji, izobraževanju ter socialnih
politikah. Napisal je več kot osemdeset knjig, med njimi tudi Wittgenstein

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