Page 217 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: Izobraževanje učiteljic in učiteljev za raziskovalno učenje in poučevanje. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2024. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 48
P. 217

povzetki ■ summaries
                 Community-based adult learning as a framework
                 for citizen science
                 Johanna Amalia Robinson, Anton Gradišek, Danilo Bevk, Nevenka

            The campaign “Observing the Visitors of Sunflowers” took place within
            the framework of the “Climate Goals and Content in Learning and Edu-
            cation” project, which aimed to integrate climate change into education.
            In this professionally designed and managed citizen science campaign for
            adults, we focused on observing pollinators, as they serve as indicators of
            environmental health and respond to changes, including those driven by
            climate factors. Participants planted sunflowers in their gardens and moni-
            tored their growth while recording the presence of pollinators on the flow-
            ers. Support was provided by pollinator and citizen science experts through
            various tools and approaches, such as lectures, learning materials, an on-
            line quiz, and a Facebook support group. Both individuals and groups par-
            ticipated. Study groups, in particular, proved to be very adaptable to un-
            expected challenges such as poor sunflower germination, adverse weather,
            and difficulties in identifying pollinators. Participants learned about polli-
            nators and their roles in the environment, while the campaign also fostered
            social learning and community building. Consequently, the campaign’s
            impact is multifaceted: improved understanding of ecosystems and the role
            of humans within them, increased ecological awareness, and motivation
            for further environmental activities and learning. The evaluation is also
            positive from the perspective of achieving national adult education goals,
            such as engaging less active people in rural areas who are distant from ed-
            ucational institutions. Regarding the development of green competencies
            in adults, we emphasized the importance of long-term iterative communi-
            cation and professional support for learners. Overall, we demonstrated the
            effectiveness of citizen science in engaging adults in education, advancing
            environmental education, and addressing environmental challenges.
            Keywords: adult education, citizen science, community learning, pollina-
            tors, transformative learning

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