Page 213 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: Izobraževanje učiteljic in učiteljev za raziskovalno učenje in poučevanje. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2024. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 48
P. 213

povzetki ■ summaries
                 Investigating students’ opinions on higher education
                 through the methodological approach of focus groups
                 Joca Zurc
            Traditionally, surveys have been the most prevalent approach to evaluating
            higher education. However, for a more accurate and deeper understand-
            ing of students’ thoughts and experiences, their agreements and differing
            views, as well as suggestions for quality improvement in higher education,
            qualitative approaches in pedagogical research seem necessary. Among
            these, group discussions or focus groups, which allow for in-depth explo-
            ration of a selected topic through mutual interaction among participants,
            have proven to be particularly effective for qualitative evaluation—espe-
            cially in the field of quality assessment at various levels and forms of ed-
            ucation. Nevertheless, evaluations using focus groups in the humanities
            and social sciences are much less represented compared to those in natural
            sciences, health, and medical study programs.
            Our research aimed to fill this gap through a qualitative evaluation of high-
            er education that assessed student satisfaction with undergraduate and
            postgraduate study programs at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor.
            A focus group was employed as a qualitative methodological approach to
            gain insight into students’ opinions and experiences related to their studies.
            Twelve student tutors from all faculty departments were invited to partici-
            pate in the focus group. The collected data were analyzed using qualitative
            thematic analysis in NVivo. The findings revealed a high level of student
            satisfaction with their studies. Key factors influencing students’ motivation
            for successful study included the responsiveness and availability of profes-
            sors, interest in the field of study, active dialogue in evaluation processes,
            and employment opportunities.
            Qualitative assessment through focus groups appears to be an appropri-
            ate—and in many aspects, even more suitable—approach than traditional
            surveys for evaluating higher education. In the future, focus groups should
            be conducted with students at different study levels and other stakeholders
            in higher education.
            Keywords: higher education, student satisfaction, focus group, pedagogi-
            cal methodology

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