Page 207 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: Izobraževanje učiteljic in učiteljev za raziskovalno učenje in poučevanje. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2024. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 48
P. 207

povzetki ■ summaries
            pismenosti učiteljev, torej med udeleženci izobraževanja samimi, kot tudi
            pri usposabljanju sodelujočih za poučevanje spretnosti digitalne pismeno-
            sti. Rezultati kažejo pomen praktičnega usposabljanja, ki učiteljem omogo-
            ča neposredno aplikacijo teoretičnega znanja v prakso ter izpostavlja vlogo
            samorefleksije in mentorstva kot ključnih komponent v procesu profesio-
            nalnega razvoja. Predlagamo nadaljnje raziskave za identifikacijo in op-
            timizacijo izobraževalnih strategij, ki bi bile najučinkovitejše pri razvoju
            digitalne pismenosti, s ciljem pripraviti učence na uspešno delovanje v digi-
            talnem okolju, s čimer prispevamo k boljšemu razumevanju kompleksnosti
            poučevanja in učenja digitalne pismenosti ter nakazujemo potrebo po ce-
            lostnem pristopu k usposabljanju učiteljev na tem področju.
            Ključne besede: branje na spletu, digitalna pismenost, metoda recipročnega
            učenja s spleta, učenje na spletu, usposabljanje učiteljev

                 Web-Based Reading and Learning in Primary Education:
                 Pedagogical Methods and Teacher Readiness for Digital
                 Maja Kerneža
            This research underscores the importance of developing digital literacy
            among primary-level students and the need for training educators to effec-
            tively integrate digital technologies into the educational process. It high-
            lights selected modes and methods that foster the knowledge and skills es-
            sential for a digitally literate individual. The study introduces a method of
            reciprocal web-based learning, which provides a foundation for educators
            to develop digital literacy skills in students and has proven effective at the
            primary education level.
            The research proposes an educational program for primary-level teachers,
            which has not yet been systematically observed and monitored. The find-
            ings suggest that this program could significantly enhance educational out-
            comes and knowledge transfer from teacher to student. In this qualitative
            study, 117 students from the Elementary Education program were trained
            and systematically monitored during the academic years 2021/2022 and
            2022/2023, followed by unstructured interviews post-training.
            Survey responses indicate that the approach presented is effective in pro-
            moting digital literacy skills among educators and in preparing them to
            teach these skills to their students. The results emphasize the value of practi-
            cal training that allows educators to apply theoretical knowledge in practice

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