Page 200 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: Izobraževanje učiteljic in učiteljev za raziskovalno učenje in poučevanje. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2024. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 48
P. 200
raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: izobraževanje učiteljic in učiteljev ...
Učiteljice so zadrege pri obravnavi družinske tematike začutile predvsem
zaradi zadreg in čustvenih reakcij učencev. Skoraj polovica vprašanih je pri
svojem delu zaznala neprijetne situacije pri neposredni ali posredni obrav-
navi družinske tematike. Izpostavile so se naslednje kategorije zadreg: ču-
stvene zadrege, komunikacijske težave, didaktične težave, zadrege ob re-
ševanju konfliktov med sošolci, dileme o pravilnosti delovanja učiteljice,
vpliv učiteljičinih osebnih izkušenj, zadrege ob prepovedi približevanja
enega od staršev. Navedene težave bi lahko omilili z ustvarjanjem varne-
ga, spodbudnega, inkluzivnega okolja v šoli z večjo senzibilnostjo pedago-
ških delavcev ter družbe nasploh pri sprejemanju različnosti, tudi v prime-
rih družinske pluralnosti.
Ključne besede: družina, družinske spremembe, učiteljice, učenci, inkluzija
Challenges Teachers Encounter When Addressing Family
Issues in Pedagogical Practice
Tanja Pavlič
Families take on various forms and undergo different processes; they are
constantly evolving and being reimagined. Changes in family life are per-
ceived and responded to differently by both students and teachers. While
teachers often manage these challenges successfully, they occasionally face
unpleasant situations and awkward moments in their work. In their profes-
sional roles, teachers engage with students and parents from diverse fam-
ily backgrounds during different school subjects, after-school activities,
and parent-teacher meetings. Their level of engagement or avoidance in ad-
dressing family issues can sometimes be influenced by their personal ex-
periences and subjective views of the family. We sought to explore whether
teachers have encountered uncomfortable situations when directly or indi-
rectly addressing family topics in school.
This paper presents the results of quantitative research involving 314 female
teachers from across Slovenia. The participants were selected based on the
subjects they teach and their frequent interactions with parents, particular-
ly during school pick-up times. Through survey questionnaires, including
analyses of open-ended responses, we aimed to identify the types of prob-
lems teachers face when dealing with family issues in the school setting.
The results revealed that teachers often feel embarrassed when addressing
family issues, primarily due to the emotional reactions of students and the
discomfort these topics can cause. Nearly half of the respondents reported
experiencing unpleasant situations in their work when dealing with family