Page 198 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: Izobraževanje učiteljic in učiteljev za raziskovalno učenje in poučevanje. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2024. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 48
P. 198
raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: izobraževanje učiteljic in učiteljev ...
delo z mladimi, njihova mladostna energija in ideje, možnosti posredovan-
ja znanja in modrosti mladim ter opazovanje njihovega napredka, sode-
lovanje s kolegi in profesionalno (samo)izpopolnjevanje. Čeprav se je po-
kazalo, da so učitelji v splošnem zadovoljni s poklicem, ne velja prezreti,
kaj jih v zvezi z njim najbolj pesti. Med slednjim so učitelji navedli pogoje
dela, predvsem prenatrpane učne načrte, nespoštovanje svojega dela s stra-
ni staršev in širše javnosti, veliko birokracije, disciplino, upad avtoritete in
(ne)spoštovanje učiteljev, nemotiviranost in upad znanja pri otrocih ter iz-
črpanost zaradi prevelike količine dela. Glede na to, da je zadovoljstvo s
poklicem eden izmed pomembnih vidikov počutja in kakovostnega dela
učiteljev, bo v prihodnje pozornost smiselno posvetiti še preučevanju posa-
meznih vidikov zadovoljstva učiteljev z učiteljskim poklicem.
Ključne besede: učiteljski poklic, pedagoško delo, motivacija učiteljev, de-
lovni pogoji, osnovnošolski in srednješolski učitelji
How satisfied are Slovenian teachers with their profession,
and why is this important?
Mateja Pšunder, Andreja Kozmus
Quality teaching cannot exist without properly trained teachers who con-
tinuously update their knowledge. Teachers’ satisfaction with their pro-
fession is also a crucial component of quality teaching. Research has con-
sistently shown that higher job satisfaction among teachers contributes to
lower levels of burnout, reduced absenteeism, and lower attrition rates. It is
also linked to greater enthusiasm and motivation, which significantly im-
pacts teacher well-being, the quality of teaching, students’ motivation to
learn, and ultimately their academic achievement.
Given this context, we investigated the level of job satisfaction among teach-
ers in Slovenia. We examined differences based on factors such as the lev-
el of teaching, years of experience in education, teaching rank, and the size
of the school. Additionally, we explored what teachers find most reward-
ing or fulfilling and what challenges they face in their work. The data for
this survey was collected through an online questionnaire administered in
May and June 2022, with 870 primary and upper secondary school teach-
ers participating.
The results revealed that Slovenian teachers are generally satisfied with
their profession, and this satisfaction is not significantly influenced by any
of the variables studied. In the open-ended responses, teachers highlight-
ed that the most rewarding aspects of their work include interacting with