Page 246 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: Digitalizacija vzgoje in izobraževanja – priložnosti in pasti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2023. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 46
P. 246
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: digitalizacija vzgoje in izobr aževanja ...
osebni profil izžrebane književne osebe. Na podlagi analize izdelka in ne-
strukturiranega intervjuja zaključujemo, da je tudi Facebook lahko okolje,
v katerem se sodelujoči lahko učijo in tudi uspešno napredujejo ter dosega-
jo cilje, ki jih v sklopu razmišljanja o književni osebi zastavlja učni načrt.
Ključne besede: digitalno učno okolje, družbena omrežja, Facebook, knji-
ževna oseba, pouk književnosti
Achieving the goals of literary didactics through
completing the profile of a literary character on the social
media platform Facebook
Maja Kerneža
Social networks today represent a large and important part of our lives.
Whether consciously or unconsciously, they also appear in the school en-
vironment. Often in their informal form, but they can also be part of the
teaching and educational process. As the learning environment evolves and
influences the forms of teaching, including literature classes, we were inter-
ested in whether the social network Facebook could be used to achieve the
goals of literary didactics. We wanted to know if we could fulfill the goals
related to the reception skills, developing the ability to perceive, experi-
ence, understand, and evaluate literary characters within this digital en-
vironment. In a non-random convenience sample, we selected 27 students
from the Primary Teacher Education program. As part of their group work,
after watching an adaptation of a fairy tale in film/animated format, the
students created a personal profile of a randomly selected literary character
on the Facebook social network. Based on the analysis of the product and
unstructured interviews, we conclude that Facebook can also be an envi-
ronment in which participating students can learn, make successful prog-
ress, and achieve the goals set by the curriculum when it comes to reflect-
ing on literary characters.
Keywords: digital learning environment, social networks, Facebook, liter-
ary character, literature class
Tehnično in digitalno domišljen pristop k racionalizaciji
porabe pitne vode
Jože Cvetko
Danes, ko samo odpremo pipo in nam voda v neomejenih količinah priteka
iz nje, pogosto pozabimo, da ne gre za neomejen vir. Da jo s svojim sodob-
osebni profil izžrebane književne osebe. Na podlagi analize izdelka in ne-
strukturiranega intervjuja zaključujemo, da je tudi Facebook lahko okolje,
v katerem se sodelujoči lahko učijo in tudi uspešno napredujejo ter dosega-
jo cilje, ki jih v sklopu razmišljanja o književni osebi zastavlja učni načrt.
Ključne besede: digitalno učno okolje, družbena omrežja, Facebook, knji-
ževna oseba, pouk književnosti
Achieving the goals of literary didactics through
completing the profile of a literary character on the social
media platform Facebook
Maja Kerneža
Social networks today represent a large and important part of our lives.
Whether consciously or unconsciously, they also appear in the school en-
vironment. Often in their informal form, but they can also be part of the
teaching and educational process. As the learning environment evolves and
influences the forms of teaching, including literature classes, we were inter-
ested in whether the social network Facebook could be used to achieve the
goals of literary didactics. We wanted to know if we could fulfill the goals
related to the reception skills, developing the ability to perceive, experi-
ence, understand, and evaluate literary characters within this digital en-
vironment. In a non-random convenience sample, we selected 27 students
from the Primary Teacher Education program. As part of their group work,
after watching an adaptation of a fairy tale in film/animated format, the
students created a personal profile of a randomly selected literary character
on the Facebook social network. Based on the analysis of the product and
unstructured interviews, we conclude that Facebook can also be an envi-
ronment in which participating students can learn, make successful prog-
ress, and achieve the goals set by the curriculum when it comes to reflect-
ing on literary characters.
Keywords: digital learning environment, social networks, Facebook, liter-
ary character, literature class
Tehnično in digitalno domišljen pristop k racionalizaciji
porabe pitne vode
Jože Cvetko
Danes, ko samo odpremo pipo in nam voda v neomejenih količinah priteka
iz nje, pogosto pozabimo, da ne gre za neomejen vir. Da jo s svojim sodob-