Page 150 - Karmen Pižorn, Alja Lipavic Oštir in Janja Žmavc, ur. • Obrazi več-/raznojezičnosti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 44
P. 150
osnovi naših rezultatov ugotavljamo, da je soft CLIL v primeru gimna-
zijske matematike izvedljiv.
Ključne besede: soft CLIL, hard CLIL, timsko poučevanje, pouk mate-
matike, mednarodna primerjava
Soft CLIL is usually taught by a foreign language teacher, as it is tradi-
tionally taught within foreign language teaching, emphasising develop-
ing language skills. Mathematics may also appear among non-language
subjects. Mathematics is often mentioned as a CLIL subject in second-
ary education, but there is very little empirical research on the effective-
ness of integrating this subject. At least partially, we tried to fill this gap
in the PROBSOFCLIL project (Erasmus +, 2018-2021). We implement-
ed a module in a foreign language covering financial literacy and real-
istic mathematics and reviewed students‘ views with two online ques-
tionnaires. Data from both were analysed at the descriptive statistics
level. Three hundred forty-eight students from four countries (Slovenia,
Austria, Lithuania and Slovakia) participated in the initial survey and
106 students in the final poll. The initial state review showed favoura-
ble conditions for implementing the project but a slightly lower index of
attitudes towards mathematics and learning in mathematics for Slova-
kia. In the final evaluation, we found that the mathematics part of the
project positively impacted about two-thirds of the students, with Slo-
venia deviating in a positive direction and Slovakia no longer deviating
from the other countries. We believe that the greater effectiveness of the
project in Slovenia is due to the interaction of two elements: the desired
mental orientation of the students to learn mathematics and the inten-
sive teamwork of the foreign language and mathematics teachers, which
was specific to Slovenia in contrast to the other countries. Moreover, ac-
cording to the students‘ reports, there are no differences in the prefer-
ence for mathematical topics. Based on our findings, we conclude that
soft CLIL is feasible in the case of upper-secondary mathematics.
Keywords: soft CLIL, hard CLIL, team teaching, mathematics educati-
on, cross-country comparison
1. Uvod in ozadje raziskave
CLIL (ang. Content and Language Integrated Learning) ali vsebinsko in je-
zikovno integrirano učenje, kot ga nekateri poimenujejo v slovenskem raz-
iskovalnem prostoru (Pižorn, 2017) sodi kot didaktični pristop med naj
aktualnejše teme na področju poučevanja tujih jezikov, in sicer zaradi
zijske matematike izvedljiv.
Ključne besede: soft CLIL, hard CLIL, timsko poučevanje, pouk mate-
matike, mednarodna primerjava
Soft CLIL is usually taught by a foreign language teacher, as it is tradi-
tionally taught within foreign language teaching, emphasising develop-
ing language skills. Mathematics may also appear among non-language
subjects. Mathematics is often mentioned as a CLIL subject in second-
ary education, but there is very little empirical research on the effective-
ness of integrating this subject. At least partially, we tried to fill this gap
in the PROBSOFCLIL project (Erasmus +, 2018-2021). We implement-
ed a module in a foreign language covering financial literacy and real-
istic mathematics and reviewed students‘ views with two online ques-
tionnaires. Data from both were analysed at the descriptive statistics
level. Three hundred forty-eight students from four countries (Slovenia,
Austria, Lithuania and Slovakia) participated in the initial survey and
106 students in the final poll. The initial state review showed favoura-
ble conditions for implementing the project but a slightly lower index of
attitudes towards mathematics and learning in mathematics for Slova-
kia. In the final evaluation, we found that the mathematics part of the
project positively impacted about two-thirds of the students, with Slo-
venia deviating in a positive direction and Slovakia no longer deviating
from the other countries. We believe that the greater effectiveness of the
project in Slovenia is due to the interaction of two elements: the desired
mental orientation of the students to learn mathematics and the inten-
sive teamwork of the foreign language and mathematics teachers, which
was specific to Slovenia in contrast to the other countries. Moreover, ac-
cording to the students‘ reports, there are no differences in the prefer-
ence for mathematical topics. Based on our findings, we conclude that
soft CLIL is feasible in the case of upper-secondary mathematics.
Keywords: soft CLIL, hard CLIL, team teaching, mathematics educati-
on, cross-country comparison
1. Uvod in ozadje raziskave
CLIL (ang. Content and Language Integrated Learning) ali vsebinsko in je-
zikovno integrirano učenje, kot ga nekateri poimenujejo v slovenskem raz-
iskovalnem prostoru (Pižorn, 2017) sodi kot didaktični pristop med naj
aktualnejše teme na področju poučevanja tujih jezikov, in sicer zaradi