Page 192 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: učenje in poučevanje na daljavo - izkušnje, problemi, perspektive. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 43
P. 192
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: učenje in poučevanje na daljavo
drugega za strokovne delavce, ki pokrivata različne vidike profesionalne-
ga sodelovanja in učenja deležnikov v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu, na
manjšem vzorcu VIZ-zavodov pa smo izvedli še fokusne skupine z ravnate-
lji. Statistične analize (deskriptivne statistike, t-testi) smo opravili s progra-
mom IBM SPSS Statistics 27, podatke iz fokusnih skupin pa smo analizira-
li s pomočjo usmerjene analize vsebine. V prispevku predstavljamo in se
osredotočamo zgolj na oceno stanja, pogojev in priložnosti profesionalnega
učenja ter sodelovanja med slovenskimi ravnatelji z različnih ravni izobra-
ževanja ter na podlagi temeljnih ugotovitev in prepoznanih izzivov predla-
gamo priporočila za sistemsko krepitev profesionalnega učenja ter sodelo-
vanja ravnateljev.
Ključne besede: profesionalno sodelovanje, profesionalno učenje, ravnatelji,
strokovni delavci, kakovost vodenja
Opportunities and challenges of professional learning
and cooperation of principals in Slovenia
Mateja Brejc, Mihaela Zavašnik, Ana Mlekuž
Pedagogical leadership is of fundamental importance for the kindergarten
and school quality. From mid-March 2020 onwards, basically all schools
and kindergartens around the world have been facing changed ways of
co-operating, leading, learning and teaching. During this time, headteach-
ers, in cooperation with other headteachers and/or professional institutions
/public institutes, ministries and together with teachers and other mem-
bers of the teaching staff, as well as with children, pupils and students and
their parents, assess, test, implement, monitor and change pedagogical ac-
tivity. The research called “Professional learning and cooperation of (head)
teachers” is a step in the systematic monitoring and evaluation of the lead-
ership quality in kindergartens and schools in Slovenia. The purpose of
the research was to determine how (head)teachers work together profes-
sionally and learn, so the following research questions were identified: (1)
how headteachers lead professional learning and cooperation in schools
and kindergartens; (2) how teachers in kindergartens and schools profes-
sionally learn and cooperate; (3) how headteachers professionally learn and
collaborate; and (4) the challenges regarding professional learning and co-
operation faced by (head)teachers. Based on quality standards and other
professional and research starting points, two questionnaires, one for head-
teachers and the other for teachers (and other member of the teaching staff)
covering various aspects of professional cooperation and learning of stake-
drugega za strokovne delavce, ki pokrivata različne vidike profesionalne-
ga sodelovanja in učenja deležnikov v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu, na
manjšem vzorcu VIZ-zavodov pa smo izvedli še fokusne skupine z ravnate-
lji. Statistične analize (deskriptivne statistike, t-testi) smo opravili s progra-
mom IBM SPSS Statistics 27, podatke iz fokusnih skupin pa smo analizira-
li s pomočjo usmerjene analize vsebine. V prispevku predstavljamo in se
osredotočamo zgolj na oceno stanja, pogojev in priložnosti profesionalnega
učenja ter sodelovanja med slovenskimi ravnatelji z različnih ravni izobra-
ževanja ter na podlagi temeljnih ugotovitev in prepoznanih izzivov predla-
gamo priporočila za sistemsko krepitev profesionalnega učenja ter sodelo-
vanja ravnateljev.
Ključne besede: profesionalno sodelovanje, profesionalno učenje, ravnatelji,
strokovni delavci, kakovost vodenja
Opportunities and challenges of professional learning
and cooperation of principals in Slovenia
Mateja Brejc, Mihaela Zavašnik, Ana Mlekuž
Pedagogical leadership is of fundamental importance for the kindergarten
and school quality. From mid-March 2020 onwards, basically all schools
and kindergartens around the world have been facing changed ways of
co-operating, leading, learning and teaching. During this time, headteach-
ers, in cooperation with other headteachers and/or professional institutions
/public institutes, ministries and together with teachers and other mem-
bers of the teaching staff, as well as with children, pupils and students and
their parents, assess, test, implement, monitor and change pedagogical ac-
tivity. The research called “Professional learning and cooperation of (head)
teachers” is a step in the systematic monitoring and evaluation of the lead-
ership quality in kindergartens and schools in Slovenia. The purpose of
the research was to determine how (head)teachers work together profes-
sionally and learn, so the following research questions were identified: (1)
how headteachers lead professional learning and cooperation in schools
and kindergartens; (2) how teachers in kindergartens and schools profes-
sionally learn and cooperate; (3) how headteachers professionally learn and
collaborate; and (4) the challenges regarding professional learning and co-
operation faced by (head)teachers. Based on quality standards and other
professional and research starting points, two questionnaires, one for head-
teachers and the other for teachers (and other member of the teaching staff)
covering various aspects of professional cooperation and learning of stake-