Page 401 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2020. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 401
o avtorjih
inštituta ter predsednica Slovenskega društva raziskovalcev na področju
edukacije (SLODRE).
Ana Kozina is a researcher, assistant professor and the head of the Centre
for evaluation studies in Educational Research Institute. Her work is in the
field of developmental and educational psychology. She is focused on the
developmental and time related trends of aggression and anxiety (in child-
hood and adolescence), their interplay and the role that anxiety and aggres-
sion play on the individual level, on the school level and on the communi-
ty level (with possible prevention and intervention designs). In the field of
education she is interested in the factors related to students’ achievement
(school climate, social and emotional learning, motivation...). She is a mem-
ber of the program group Educational Research (2015–2020), a member of
the editorial board of Educational Research Institute Publishing House and
a president of The Slovenian Educational Research Association (SLODRE).
Valerija Vendramin je doktorica ženskih študij, zaposlena pa je kot znan-
stvena sodelavka na Pedagoškem inštitutu v Ljubljani. Med njenimi razi-
skovalnimi področji so edukacijske študije, ženske študije in feministična
teorija ter kulturne študije (v tem okviru se ukvarja s problematiko, ki za-
deva konceptualizacijo spolne razlike, kurikulum in feministične kritike
znanosti oz. epistemološka vprašanja).
Valerija Vendramin, PhD in Women’s Studies, is a research associate at the
Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana. Among her current research
fields are educational studies, women‘s studies and feminist theory, cultur-
al studies (predominantly, but not exclusively, in connection to the issues
concerning the conceptualization of sexual difference, curriculum and
feminist critiques of science together with epistemological issues.).
Izr. prof. dr. Simona Tancig, univerzitetna diplomirana psihologinja in spe-
cializantka supervizije, se je izpopolnjevala v ZDA in na Nizozemskem.
Trenutno je zunanja sodelavka Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
in Univerze Sigmunda Freuda v Ljubljani. Področja njenega pedagoškega
in raziskovalnega dela: razvojna in kognitivna psihologija, specialna peda-
gogika, inkluzivno izobraževanje, supervizija, umetnostna terapija in ko-
gnitivna znanost. V zadnjih letih se je osredotočila na področje edukacij-
ske nevroznanosti in implementacije tega interdisciplinarnega področja
v izobraževalni in raziskovalni prostor. V tem okviru raziskuje in razvija
problematiko metakognicije, samoregulacije, samodeterminacije, izvršil-
inštituta ter predsednica Slovenskega društva raziskovalcev na področju
edukacije (SLODRE).
Ana Kozina is a researcher, assistant professor and the head of the Centre
for evaluation studies in Educational Research Institute. Her work is in the
field of developmental and educational psychology. She is focused on the
developmental and time related trends of aggression and anxiety (in child-
hood and adolescence), their interplay and the role that anxiety and aggres-
sion play on the individual level, on the school level and on the communi-
ty level (with possible prevention and intervention designs). In the field of
education she is interested in the factors related to students’ achievement
(school climate, social and emotional learning, motivation...). She is a mem-
ber of the program group Educational Research (2015–2020), a member of
the editorial board of Educational Research Institute Publishing House and
a president of The Slovenian Educational Research Association (SLODRE).
Valerija Vendramin je doktorica ženskih študij, zaposlena pa je kot znan-
stvena sodelavka na Pedagoškem inštitutu v Ljubljani. Med njenimi razi-
skovalnimi področji so edukacijske študije, ženske študije in feministična
teorija ter kulturne študije (v tem okviru se ukvarja s problematiko, ki za-
deva konceptualizacijo spolne razlike, kurikulum in feministične kritike
znanosti oz. epistemološka vprašanja).
Valerija Vendramin, PhD in Women’s Studies, is a research associate at the
Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana. Among her current research
fields are educational studies, women‘s studies and feminist theory, cultur-
al studies (predominantly, but not exclusively, in connection to the issues
concerning the conceptualization of sexual difference, curriculum and
feminist critiques of science together with epistemological issues.).
Izr. prof. dr. Simona Tancig, univerzitetna diplomirana psihologinja in spe-
cializantka supervizije, se je izpopolnjevala v ZDA in na Nizozemskem.
Trenutno je zunanja sodelavka Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
in Univerze Sigmunda Freuda v Ljubljani. Področja njenega pedagoškega
in raziskovalnega dela: razvojna in kognitivna psihologija, specialna peda-
gogika, inkluzivno izobraževanje, supervizija, umetnostna terapija in ko-
gnitivna znanost. V zadnjih letih se je osredotočila na področje edukacij-
ske nevroznanosti in implementacije tega interdisciplinarnega področja
v izobraževalni in raziskovalni prostor. V tem okviru raziskuje in razvija
problematiko metakognicije, samoregulacije, samodeterminacije, izvršil-