Page 146 - Eva Klemenčič Mirazchiyski, Plamen V. Mirazchiyski. 2020. Bralna pismenost četrtošolcev in četrtošolk v Sloveniji: nacionalno poročilo Mednarodne raziskave bralne pismenosti (IEA PIRLS 2016 in ePIRLS 2016). Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut. Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 15
P. 146
schools (school questionnaire), as well as the classrooms and the teachers
(teacher questionnaire). Thus, this monograph does not present just the re-
sults in reading literacy of fourth-graders (PIRLS’ target population), but also
the results from the aforementioned background questionnaires and the re-
lationship between students’ reading achievement and various characteris-
tics of the students, their families, schools and classrooms.

The following respondents participated in PIRLS and ePIRLS main study
data collection in Slovenia:

– PIRLS: 160 schools, the same number of principals, 253 classes and
their teachers, 4,499 fourth-grade students, and their parents (4,499
parents, because 1 parent/caregiver of each tested student fulfill the

– ePIRLS: 250 classes and 4,303 students.

Reading achievements of 4th graders

146 Like the previous PIRLS cycles, the 2016 showed that the reading achievement
of Slovenian fourth-graders was above the international average of all partici-
pating educational systems. The low international reading proficiency level is
reached by about 96% of our students, 83% reach the medium, 49% reach the
higher, and about 11% reach the highest international proficiency level in read-
ing. The reading achievement passages and items related to them for assess-
ing reading achievement are divided according to the purpose of the reading
and comprehension processes. This is why in the monograph we present the
results by purpose of reading and comprehension processes too.


In 11 of the 20 countries participating in all PIRLS cycles since 2001, the read-
ing achievement has increased significantly, in seven countries it has remained
the same, and in two countries it has decreased significantly. In Slovenia the
trends have shown a gradual and statistically significant increase in the read-
ing achievement of fourth-graders. Even the trends in achievement by gender
show that in Slovenia boys and girls are progressing steadily and with approx-
imately the same pace. Other trends also show that there was no statistically
significant difference in achievement between reading literary and informa-
tive texts in PIRLS 2001 and 2006, but in 2011 this difference was increased and
became statistically significant. Achievement in reading literary texts in 2011
was higher than achievements in reading informative texts. In 2016, the op-
posite was found – achievement in reading informative texts was significantly
higher than achievements in reading literary texts.

bralna pismenost četrtošolcev in četrtošolk v sloveniji
   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150   151