Page 148 - Eva Klemenčič Mirazchiyski, Plamen V. Mirazchiyski. 2020. Bralna pismenost četrtošolcev in četrtošolk v Sloveniji: nacionalno poročilo Mednarodne raziskave bralne pismenosti (IEA PIRLS 2016 in ePIRLS 2016). Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut. Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 15
P. 148
across all participating educational systems, only in Australia (64%) and Singa-
pore (62%) school principals report that the instruction was not affected by a
shortage of resources. In Slovenia 38% of school principals reported that the
instruction was somewhat affected by a shortage of resources. However, the
difference in achievement between students studying at schools where the in-
struction was not affected and somewhat affected by a shortage of resources
is small (six score points) and statistically insignificant. None of the Slovenian
school principals reported that instruction in their school was affected a lot. It
should also be noted that in the year of data collection (2016) Slovenia had a
large proportion of fourth-graders who reported that they were tired and hun-
gry in the morning when coming to the school, some of them even almost dai-
ly or even daily.

Safe learning environment in schools

Most fourth-grade students like to go to school and feel safe. However, not
all of them share this opinion – about 8% of fourth-graders disagreed with
the statement that they felt safe at school, and slightly less than 4% disagreed
148 strongly. When asked about various forms of peer violence/bullying, they re-
ported varying degrees of frequency, but the results clearly show that this
problem exists in Slovenian schools. Principals also reported that peer vio-
lence/bullying exists in their schools. In total, 44% of school principals report
that bullying at their school occurs about monthly or weekly, with 15% of them
reporting for the latter. For about 3% of principals bullying at their school pre-
sents a serious problem. A similar percentage was reported for specific types
of bullying, for both verbal and physical. Verbal bullying is a moderate problem
in schools, it was reported by about 8% of the principals, and just under 5% of
the principals reported a moderate problem of peer violence/bullying. A few
cases of bullying and verbal abuse by teachers or other staff have also been re-
ported by principals. At the same time, only 20% of Slovenian school principals
report that their school is very safe and orderly, and nearly 9% of them report
that their school is less than safe and orderly.

All these findings in more detail, and even more results on the status and
trends of reading achievements of fourth-graders in Slovenia by different
background characteristics relevant to reading achievement can be found in
this monograph.

bralna pismenost četrtošolcev in četrtošolk v sloveniji
   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150   151   152   153