Page 75 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2019. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 37
P. 75
iews of primary school and kindergarten teacher students about lifelong learning
Many of the other texts were rich in expressions like „important”,
„motivating”, „essential” and „useful”. Interestingly, by kindergarten teach-
ers, the interpretation area is slightly expanded with phrases of social util-
ity and professional utility. That means in this case that we can see a wider
meaning of the concept. Although, some negative aspects can be detected
in this form of interpretations too:
»…is not worth for the society from an economic point of view.« (kinder-
garten teacher student)
Analysing the observable internal and external factors in respond-
ents’ essays, it can be said, that kindergarten teacher students’ views con-
tains more external factors next to the generally noticeable internal factors.
Some kind of background knowledge could also be behind this phenome-
non, which could have been the base of their individual definitions.
Among the five examined dimensions, the opinions of the kindergar-
ten teacher students and primary school teacher students differ stronger
in the aspect of age and social environment of LLL. While primary school
teacher students think in a proportion of 2:8 that lifelong learning begins
in early childhood, kindergarten teacher students stated in a proportion of
14:2, that it begins more likely in adulthood. By interpreting these findings
related to the social area of development, interesting results can be found.
In some formulations, family background and institutional role in the bas-
ing of LLL appear as complex development channel:
»creating the approach of lifelong learning in children is the responsibil-
ity of the family and the institutions as well, it does not work without each
other.« (primary school teacher student)
These views are good examples for the interpretation of modern ap-
proach of lifelong learning too, and these modern constructions can be
mostly related to prospective primary school teachers.
As for the family background, there was only one respondent among
the whole sample (N = 29) who underlined the importance of the family as
the starting point for lifelong learning. Seven of the interviewed said that
the institutions of public education are more important in achieving this
approach, and they even marked mostly postgraduate courses such as adult
education institutions among them:
»... it is not about changing our jobs continuously, but about deepening
our profession.« (kindergarten teacher student)
Interestingly, in this context, the terms „profession”, „skills” and „fur-
ther training” have become more common in the texts of kindergarten
Many of the other texts were rich in expressions like „important”,
„motivating”, „essential” and „useful”. Interestingly, by kindergarten teach-
ers, the interpretation area is slightly expanded with phrases of social util-
ity and professional utility. That means in this case that we can see a wider
meaning of the concept. Although, some negative aspects can be detected
in this form of interpretations too:
»…is not worth for the society from an economic point of view.« (kinder-
garten teacher student)
Analysing the observable internal and external factors in respond-
ents’ essays, it can be said, that kindergarten teacher students’ views con-
tains more external factors next to the generally noticeable internal factors.
Some kind of background knowledge could also be behind this phenome-
non, which could have been the base of their individual definitions.
Among the five examined dimensions, the opinions of the kindergar-
ten teacher students and primary school teacher students differ stronger
in the aspect of age and social environment of LLL. While primary school
teacher students think in a proportion of 2:8 that lifelong learning begins
in early childhood, kindergarten teacher students stated in a proportion of
14:2, that it begins more likely in adulthood. By interpreting these findings
related to the social area of development, interesting results can be found.
In some formulations, family background and institutional role in the bas-
ing of LLL appear as complex development channel:
»creating the approach of lifelong learning in children is the responsibil-
ity of the family and the institutions as well, it does not work without each
other.« (primary school teacher student)
These views are good examples for the interpretation of modern ap-
proach of lifelong learning too, and these modern constructions can be
mostly related to prospective primary school teachers.
As for the family background, there was only one respondent among
the whole sample (N = 29) who underlined the importance of the family as
the starting point for lifelong learning. Seven of the interviewed said that
the institutions of public education are more important in achieving this
approach, and they even marked mostly postgraduate courses such as adult
education institutions among them:
»... it is not about changing our jobs continuously, but about deepening
our profession.« (kindergarten teacher student)
Interestingly, in this context, the terms „profession”, „skills” and „fur-
ther training” have become more common in the texts of kindergarten