Page 72 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2019. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 37
P. 72
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju

Many pedagogical and psychological researches have already point-
ed out, that early childhood age is also considered to be a sensitive peri-
od in individuals’ cognitive, affective and motoric development in many
aspects (Driscoll and Nagel, 2005: Józsa & D. Molnár, 2013). There were
many research even before the turn of millenium, which have treated kin-
dergarten age as a sensitive phase and has urged to take the advantage of
learning opportunities in this age. As a result of these, the need to reform
institutional system of kindergarten education has arisen (Copple, 2003;
Nagy, 1974).

The new approach is characterized by a strong professionalism based
on a scholarly basis that has a close interactive relationship with universi-
ties and pre- and post-primary school institutions, in connection with the
aim to help to facilitate the transition to pupils’ learning (Coolahan, 2007).
A well prepared preparatory phase in LLL (age 3-6) significantly reduces
school drop-out rates (Majzikné, 1997).

Sample and methods of the study
In my study I used qualitative methodology to explore kindergarten teach-
er students’ (N = 29) and primary school teacher students’ (N = 22) views
on LLL along 5 analytic dimensions. The sample was chosen from one Hun-
garian teacher training institute, which was the oldest and most popular
Teacher Traning Institute in Hungary. The target groups were quite homo-
geneous in the aspect of age and gender, which phenomena is very general
in Hungarian teacher trainings. Since the current study was an action re-
search phase of a bigger research project; some new questions and hypoth-
esis emerged during the analysis; which highlighted some really interesting
directions of this topic. One of these can be the comparative analysis on a
large-scale study among more teacher training institutes.

According to the inductive strategy of qualitative research method-
ology, the dimensions developed during the analysis, which concerned the
affective relations to the lifelong learning, the beliefs in the developing of
this approach and the question of the age and social area in the develop-
ment of it, and there were some references to the structure of lifelong learn-
ing as well.

During the data-collecting process of my study, I asked the students to
write down on a sheet of paper the following sentence with the ending of
their own opinion: „I think, lifelong learning is…”

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