Page 128 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2019. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 37
P. 128
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju
Guyon, Nina in Elise Huillery. “Aspirations and the Perpetuation of Social
Inequalities: Evidence from Academic Paths in France.” Work. Pap. 44,
SciencesPo LIEPP, Paris (2016). Dostopno prek: http://econ.sciences-po.
fr/sites/default/files/file/elise/paper_Aspiration sFailures_2016_01_26.pdf
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Iannelli, Christina. “Reducing inequalities in education an avenue for soci-
al mobility.” Dostopno prek:
cId=11169&langId=en (14. 06. 2019) (2013).
Jæger, Mads Meier in Stine Møllegaard. “Cultural capital, teacher bias, and
educational success: New evidence from monozygotic twins.” Social sci-
ence research 65, (2017): 130–144.
Jeffreys, Branwen. “Creative subjects being squeezed, schools tell BBC.” 2018.
Dostopno prek: (14. 06.
Jeynes, William H. “Effects of parental involvement and family structure on
the academic achievement of adolescents.” Marriage & Family Review 37,
št. 3 (2005): 99–116.
Katsillis, John in Richard Rubinson. “Cultural capital, student achievement,
and educational reproduction: The case of Greece.” American sociological
review 55, št. 2 (1990): 270–279.
Katz-Gerro, Tally. “Highbrow cultural consumption and class distinction in
Italy, Israel, West Germany, Sweden, and the United States.” Social forces
81, št. 1 (2002): 207–229.
Kraaykamp, Gerbert in Paul Nieuwbeerta. “Parental background and lifestyle
differentiation in Eastern Europe: Social, political, and cultural interge-
nerational transmission in five former socialist societies.” Social Science
Research 29, št. 1 (2000): 92–122.
Kraaykamp, Gerbert in Paul Nieuwbeerta. “Parental background and lifestyle
differentiation in Eastern Europe: Social, political, and cultural interge-
nerational transmission in five former socialist societies.” Social Science
Research 29, (2000): 92–122.
Lamb, Stephen. “Cultural consumption and the educational plans of Australi-
an secondary school students.” Sociology of Education 62, št. 2 (1989): 95–
Legewie, Joscha in Thomas A. DiPrete. “School context and the gender gap in
educational achievement.” American Sociological Review 77, št. 3 (2012):
Guyon, Nina in Elise Huillery. “Aspirations and the Perpetuation of Social
Inequalities: Evidence from Academic Paths in France.” Work. Pap. 44,
SciencesPo LIEPP, Paris (2016). Dostopno prek: http://econ.sciences-po.
fr/sites/default/files/file/elise/paper_Aspiration sFailures_2016_01_26.pdf
(14. 06. 2019).
Iannelli, Christina. “Reducing inequalities in education an avenue for soci-
al mobility.” Dostopno prek:
cId=11169&langId=en (14. 06. 2019) (2013).
Jæger, Mads Meier in Stine Møllegaard. “Cultural capital, teacher bias, and
educational success: New evidence from monozygotic twins.” Social sci-
ence research 65, (2017): 130–144.
Jeffreys, Branwen. “Creative subjects being squeezed, schools tell BBC.” 2018.
Dostopno prek: (14. 06.
Jeynes, William H. “Effects of parental involvement and family structure on
the academic achievement of adolescents.” Marriage & Family Review 37,
št. 3 (2005): 99–116.
Katsillis, John in Richard Rubinson. “Cultural capital, student achievement,
and educational reproduction: The case of Greece.” American sociological
review 55, št. 2 (1990): 270–279.
Katz-Gerro, Tally. “Highbrow cultural consumption and class distinction in
Italy, Israel, West Germany, Sweden, and the United States.” Social forces
81, št. 1 (2002): 207–229.
Kraaykamp, Gerbert in Paul Nieuwbeerta. “Parental background and lifestyle
differentiation in Eastern Europe: Social, political, and cultural interge-
nerational transmission in five former socialist societies.” Social Science
Research 29, št. 1 (2000): 92–122.
Kraaykamp, Gerbert in Paul Nieuwbeerta. “Parental background and lifestyle
differentiation in Eastern Europe: Social, political, and cultural interge-
nerational transmission in five former socialist societies.” Social Science
Research 29, (2000): 92–122.
Lamb, Stephen. “Cultural consumption and the educational plans of Australi-
an secondary school students.” Sociology of Education 62, št. 2 (1989): 95–
Legewie, Joscha in Thomas A. DiPrete. “School context and the gender gap in
educational achievement.” American Sociological Review 77, št. 3 (2012):