Page 298 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2018. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 26
P. 298
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju
Renata Lük is a graduate pre-school teacher and carries out the professi-
onal duties of an assistant head teacher at the Oton Župančič Kindergar-
ten. Projects and professional challenges that she led through the practice
were mostly in the field of professional development of pre-school children.
As a team leader, she participated in the development and research pro-
gram of the Networks of Learning Schools and Kindergartens on the topic
“Professional Development of Teachers” and the development and resear-
ch project entitled “Training for the Introduction of the System of Quality
Assessment and Assurance in Educational Institutions – Training for Sel-
f-evaluation”, implemented by the National School for Leadership in Edu-
cation. In the innovation project entitled “Learning Starts with Research”,
which was carried out in cooperation with the National Education Insti-
tute of the Republic of Slovenia, the professionals included new insights
and approaches to the planning of educational work. Under the auspices of
the Faculty of Arts of the University of Maribor, she coordinated the pro-
ject entitled “Training of Professionals for the Implementation of a Compe-
tent Approach to Teaching by Promoting Acquisition of Key Competence
of Learning at All Levels of Education”. She also participated in the coordi-
nation entitled “Professional Training of Education Professionals in the Fi-
eld of Social and Civic Competences in Promoting Intercultural Dialogue
and Active Citizenship.
Martina Mejak je zaključila študij slovenščine s književnostjo in zgodo-
vine leta 2003 na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Kot asistentka
za didaktiko slovenščine deluje na oddelku za predšolsko vzgojo in raz-
redni pouk na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze na Primorskem. Leta 2018 je
zagovarjala doktorsko disertacijo z naslovom Sinhrona in diahrona anali-
za didaktičnega instrumentarija v osnovnošolskih berilih. Je mentorica in
somentorica pri zaključnih delih študentov predšolske vzgoje in razredne-
ga pouka. Njeno raziskovalno delo se osredotoča na osnovnošolska učna
gradiva pri pouku književnosti.
Martina Mejak completed her studies in Slovenian language and literatu-
re - history at the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts in 2003. She is
a Teaching Assistant for Slovenian language didactics at the Department
for pre-school and elementary education at University of Primorska Fa-
culty of Education. In 2018, she defended her doctoral thesis titled Diachro-
nic and Synchronic Analysis of the Primary-School Didactic Instrumenta-
rium. She is a supervisor and co-supervisor of pre-school and elementary
Renata Lük is a graduate pre-school teacher and carries out the professi-
onal duties of an assistant head teacher at the Oton Župančič Kindergar-
ten. Projects and professional challenges that she led through the practice
were mostly in the field of professional development of pre-school children.
As a team leader, she participated in the development and research pro-
gram of the Networks of Learning Schools and Kindergartens on the topic
“Professional Development of Teachers” and the development and resear-
ch project entitled “Training for the Introduction of the System of Quality
Assessment and Assurance in Educational Institutions – Training for Sel-
f-evaluation”, implemented by the National School for Leadership in Edu-
cation. In the innovation project entitled “Learning Starts with Research”,
which was carried out in cooperation with the National Education Insti-
tute of the Republic of Slovenia, the professionals included new insights
and approaches to the planning of educational work. Under the auspices of
the Faculty of Arts of the University of Maribor, she coordinated the pro-
ject entitled “Training of Professionals for the Implementation of a Compe-
tent Approach to Teaching by Promoting Acquisition of Key Competence
of Learning at All Levels of Education”. She also participated in the coordi-
nation entitled “Professional Training of Education Professionals in the Fi-
eld of Social and Civic Competences in Promoting Intercultural Dialogue
and Active Citizenship.
Martina Mejak je zaključila študij slovenščine s književnostjo in zgodo-
vine leta 2003 na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Kot asistentka
za didaktiko slovenščine deluje na oddelku za predšolsko vzgojo in raz-
redni pouk na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze na Primorskem. Leta 2018 je
zagovarjala doktorsko disertacijo z naslovom Sinhrona in diahrona anali-
za didaktičnega instrumentarija v osnovnošolskih berilih. Je mentorica in
somentorica pri zaključnih delih študentov predšolske vzgoje in razredne-
ga pouka. Njeno raziskovalno delo se osredotoča na osnovnošolska učna
gradiva pri pouku književnosti.
Martina Mejak completed her studies in Slovenian language and literatu-
re - history at the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts in 2003. She is
a Teaching Assistant for Slovenian language didactics at the Department
for pre-school and elementary education at University of Primorska Fa-
culty of Education. In 2018, she defended her doctoral thesis titled Diachro-
nic and Synchronic Analysis of the Primary-School Didactic Instrumenta-
rium. She is a supervisor and co-supervisor of pre-school and elementary