Page 59 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 12
P. 59
SCO. (1998). Citizenship Education for the 21st Century. Najdeno 16. julija 59
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UNESCO. (2012). International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED
2011). Najdeno 16. julija 2016 na spletnem naslovu http://www.uis.unesco.
Capps, P. (2009). Human Dignity and the Foundations of International Law. Ox-
ford: Hart Publishing.
Dupre, C. (2009). Unlocking Human Dignity: Towards a Theory for the 21st cen-
tury. European Human Rights Law Review, 2, 190–205.
Gainous, J., in Martens, A. M. (2012). The Effectiveness of Citizenship Education:
Are ‘Good’ Teachers Actually Good for ‘All’ Students?. American Politics Re-
search, 40(2), 232–266.
Gainous, J., in Martens, A. M. (2013). Citizenship Education and Democratic Ca-
pacity: How Do Teachers Teach and What Works? Social Science Quarterly,
94(4), 956–976.
Hoskins, B., Jesinghaus, J., Mascherini, M., Munda, G., Nardo, M., Sai-
sana, M., Nijlen, D., Vidoni, D. in Villalba, E. (2006). Measuring ac-
tive citizenship in Europe. CRELL Research Paper 4. Najdeno 16. juli-
ja 2016 na spletnem naslovu
Kateb, G. (2011). Human Dignity. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Kerr, D. (1999). Citizenship education: An international comparison. London:
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.
Kerr, D., Ireland, E., Lopes, J., in Craig, R. z Cleaver, E. (2004). Making Citizenship
Education Real. Citizenship Education Longitudinal Study: Second Annual Re-
port. First Longitudinal Study (DfES Research Report 531). London: DfES.
Levinson, M. (2014). Citizenship and Civic Education. V C. D. Phillips (ur.), En-
cyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy (134–138). Thousand Oaks.
CA: Sage.
McCrudden, C. (2008). Human Dignity and Judicial Interpretation of Human
Rights. European Journal of International Law, 19(4), 655–724.
Miguel, C. R. (2002). Human Dignity: History of an Idea. Jahrbuch des Öffentli-
chen Rechts, 50, 281–299.
koncept človekovega dostojanstva v srednješolskem izobraževanju
2016 na spletnem naslovu
UNESCO. (2012). International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED
2011). Najdeno 16. julija 2016 na spletnem naslovu http://www.uis.unesco.
Capps, P. (2009). Human Dignity and the Foundations of International Law. Ox-
ford: Hart Publishing.
Dupre, C. (2009). Unlocking Human Dignity: Towards a Theory for the 21st cen-
tury. European Human Rights Law Review, 2, 190–205.
Gainous, J., in Martens, A. M. (2012). The Effectiveness of Citizenship Education:
Are ‘Good’ Teachers Actually Good for ‘All’ Students?. American Politics Re-
search, 40(2), 232–266.
Gainous, J., in Martens, A. M. (2013). Citizenship Education and Democratic Ca-
pacity: How Do Teachers Teach and What Works? Social Science Quarterly,
94(4), 956–976.
Hoskins, B., Jesinghaus, J., Mascherini, M., Munda, G., Nardo, M., Sai-
sana, M., Nijlen, D., Vidoni, D. in Villalba, E. (2006). Measuring ac-
tive citizenship in Europe. CRELL Research Paper 4. Najdeno 16. juli-
ja 2016 na spletnem naslovu
Kateb, G. (2011). Human Dignity. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Kerr, D. (1999). Citizenship education: An international comparison. London:
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.
Kerr, D., Ireland, E., Lopes, J., in Craig, R. z Cleaver, E. (2004). Making Citizenship
Education Real. Citizenship Education Longitudinal Study: Second Annual Re-
port. First Longitudinal Study (DfES Research Report 531). London: DfES.
Levinson, M. (2014). Citizenship and Civic Education. V C. D. Phillips (ur.), En-
cyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy (134–138). Thousand Oaks.
CA: Sage.
McCrudden, C. (2008). Human Dignity and Judicial Interpretation of Human
Rights. European Journal of International Law, 19(4), 655–724.
Miguel, C. R. (2002). Human Dignity: History of an Idea. Jahrbuch des Öffentli-
chen Rechts, 50, 281–299.
koncept človekovega dostojanstva v srednješolskem izobraževanju