Page 286 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 31
P. 286
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju danes
Barica Marentič Požarnik je diplomirala iz psihologije in pedagogike na Fi-
lozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, leta 1971 doktorirala iz psihologije z
disertacijo »Struktura in determinante učnih navad naših učencev« na isti
fakulteti, leta 1994 pa doktorirala iz pedagoških znanosti na Univerzi v Za-
grebu na temo »Modeli didaktičnega izpopolnjevanja univerzitetnih učite-
ljev in sodelavcev«. Svoje znanje je vseskozi izpopolnjevala tudi s študijem v
tujini, med drugim kot Fulbrightova štipendistka v ZDA (mednarodni pro-
gram za razvoj učiteljev – 1966/67), na Pedagoškem inštitutu v Oslu (1965)
in kot štipendistka DAAD v Nemčiji (1974).
Barica Marentič Požarnik graduated from Psychology and Pedagogy at the
Faculty of Arts at the University of Ljubljana in 1971. She received a PhD in
psychology with the dissertation titled »Structure and determinants of the
learning habits of our students« at the same faculty, and in 1994 she recei-
ved her second PhD from pedagogical sciences at the University of Zagreb
on the topic of »Models Didactic training of university teachers and other
staff«. She continued with her research also abroad, which includes Ful-
bright’s scholarship in the USA (International Teacher Development Pro-
gram – 1966/67), at the Pedagogical Institute in Oslo (1965) and as a DAAD
scholar in Germany (1974).
Dr. Danijela Rus je leta 2009 diplomirala na Filozofski fakulteti in Fakulte-
ti za naravoslovje in matematiko Univerze v Mariboru v dvopredmetnem
pedagoškem študiju, smer pedagogika in matematika. Svojo poklicno pot
je nadaljevala kot svetovalna delavka v dijaškem domu. Od leta 2015 je za-
poslena na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru kot asistentka za pe-
dagogiko na Oddelku za temeljne pedagoške predmete. Doktorirala je s
področja praktičnega pedagoškega usposabljanja študentov. Je avtorica več
strokovnih in znanstvenih člankov ter aktivno sodeluje na različnih med-
narodnih konferencah.
In 2009, Danijela Rus, PhD graduated in the double-major pedagogical
study program Pedagogy and Mathematics at the Faculty of Arts and Fa-
culty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of University of Maribor. Her
professional career continued as counselor at a student dormitory. Since
2015 she is employed as assistant in the department of basic pedagogical
studies at the Faculty of Education, University of Maribor. The field of her
doctoral thesis covers the practical pedagogical training of students. Da-
nijela Rus, PhD is author of several professional and scientific articles and,
also, actively involved in various international conferences.
Barica Marentič Požarnik je diplomirala iz psihologije in pedagogike na Fi-
lozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, leta 1971 doktorirala iz psihologije z
disertacijo »Struktura in determinante učnih navad naših učencev« na isti
fakulteti, leta 1994 pa doktorirala iz pedagoških znanosti na Univerzi v Za-
grebu na temo »Modeli didaktičnega izpopolnjevanja univerzitetnih učite-
ljev in sodelavcev«. Svoje znanje je vseskozi izpopolnjevala tudi s študijem v
tujini, med drugim kot Fulbrightova štipendistka v ZDA (mednarodni pro-
gram za razvoj učiteljev – 1966/67), na Pedagoškem inštitutu v Oslu (1965)
in kot štipendistka DAAD v Nemčiji (1974).
Barica Marentič Požarnik graduated from Psychology and Pedagogy at the
Faculty of Arts at the University of Ljubljana in 1971. She received a PhD in
psychology with the dissertation titled »Structure and determinants of the
learning habits of our students« at the same faculty, and in 1994 she recei-
ved her second PhD from pedagogical sciences at the University of Zagreb
on the topic of »Models Didactic training of university teachers and other
staff«. She continued with her research also abroad, which includes Ful-
bright’s scholarship in the USA (International Teacher Development Pro-
gram – 1966/67), at the Pedagogical Institute in Oslo (1965) and as a DAAD
scholar in Germany (1974).
Dr. Danijela Rus je leta 2009 diplomirala na Filozofski fakulteti in Fakulte-
ti za naravoslovje in matematiko Univerze v Mariboru v dvopredmetnem
pedagoškem študiju, smer pedagogika in matematika. Svojo poklicno pot
je nadaljevala kot svetovalna delavka v dijaškem domu. Od leta 2015 je za-
poslena na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru kot asistentka za pe-
dagogiko na Oddelku za temeljne pedagoške predmete. Doktorirala je s
področja praktičnega pedagoškega usposabljanja študentov. Je avtorica več
strokovnih in znanstvenih člankov ter aktivno sodeluje na različnih med-
narodnih konferencah.
In 2009, Danijela Rus, PhD graduated in the double-major pedagogical
study program Pedagogy and Mathematics at the Faculty of Arts and Fa-
culty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of University of Maribor. Her
professional career continued as counselor at a student dormitory. Since
2015 she is employed as assistant in the department of basic pedagogical
studies at the Faculty of Education, University of Maribor. The field of her
doctoral thesis covers the practical pedagogical training of students. Da-
nijela Rus, PhD is author of several professional and scientific articles and,
also, actively involved in various international conferences.