Page 287 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 31
P. 287
o avtorjih

Prof. dr. Milena Ivanuš Grmek je dodiplomski študij pedagogike in socio-
logije zaključila leta 1983 na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Ma-
gistrski in doktorski študij je prav tako zaključila na Filozofski fakulte-
ti Univerze v Ljubljani. Kot redna profesorica za didaktiko je zaposlena na
Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru. Didaktiko predava študentom na
dodiplomskem in podiplomskem študiju. Je mentorica študentom pri pri-
pravi diplomskih in magistrskih nalog ter doktorskih disertacij. Rezultate
raziskovalnega dela objavlja v uglednih domačih in tujih revijah.
Prof. Dr. Milena Ivanuš Grmek, graduated in the fields of pedagogy and so-
ciology at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, in 1983. She reached
her Master Degree and defended her PhD thesis at the University of Lju-
bljana, Faculty of Arts. Her current academic appointment refers to the
field of didactics. She works as the Full Professor of Didactics at the Univer-
sity of Maribor, Faculty of Education, and is responsible for teaching stu-
dents the didactics at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She is a
supervisor of students’ diploma (Bachelor of Arts), master (Master of Sci-
ence) and doctoral (PhD) thesis in her field of research. She has been pu-
blishing scientific and specializing texts in Slovenian, as well as in foreign
magazines and has been participating on scientific conferences in Slovenia
and abroad.
Alenka Lipovec poučuje matematiko in didaktiko matematike na Peda-
goški fakulteti v Mariboru. Raziskovalno se ukvarja predvsem z razvo-
jem zgodnjih matematičnih pojmov znotraj pouka matematike, smiselnim
vključevanjem IKT in staršev ter medpredmetnim povezovanjem v okviru
pristopov RME in CLIL.
Alenka Lipovec lectures mathematics and mathematics education at Faculty
of Education Maribor. Her research focus is early development of mathe-
matics concepts within school settings, efficient incorporation of ICT, pa-
rental engagement and cross curricular themes in frame of RME and CLIL
Manja Podgoršek je asistentka za didaktiko matematike na Pedagoški fa-
kulteti v Mariboru. Njeno glavno raziskovalno področje je uporaba vizual-
nih reprezentacij pri zgodnji matematiki. Pri delu s študenti posebej pou-
darja aktivne oblike učenja in poučevanja.
Manja Podgoršek is assistant for mathematics education at Faculty of Edu-
cation Maribor. Her main research field is connected to visual representa-
tions in eary mathematics. When working with future teacher her empha-
sis lies on active methods of learning and teaching.

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