Page 206 - Puklek Levpušček, Melita, in Klaudija Šterman Ivančič, ur. Motivacijski dejavniki v izobraževanju mladine in odraslih. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2013. Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 5
P. 206
c) The discipline index in Slovenian classes is lower than the average index of the
OECD, however in Finland and Norway it is even lower.
d) Slovenian 15-year-olds feel that there is more encouragement from teachers in
mother tongue class than their peers in both Scandinavian countries do.
e) Slovenian students on average feel there is a less positive attitude from teachers
than students in Finland and Norway do.
The authors then performed a two-level cluster analysis and classified the students
in five clusters according to the characteristics of their reading motivation and learning
and metacognitive strategies in reading texts. Based on the representative sample of Slo-
venian 15-year-olds we can conclude that there are approximately 40 % of Slovenian stu-
dents that are enthusiastic readers and have good learning and metacognitive strategies.
As much as three groups of young readers (approximately 60 %) are half-hearted readers.
This only proves the fact that Slovenian students are on average not motivated to read.
Motivational aspects of reading literacy are mostly present in students of general second-
ary grammar schools. Motivation for reading drops gradually with lower level education
programmes. Girls contribute to better reading literacy as they are highly motivated to
read, more often than not they read literary texts and printed texts, they interpret texts,
and what is also important, they react more positively to teachers’ reading stimulations.
Boys also have comparative advantages, as they are motivated and competent in working
with ICT. The authors close the monograph with a general discussion and pedagogic sup-
positions on results.
In the second chapter The Connection Between motivation for Education, Competitive-
ness and Different Fields of Student Self-image the authors Darja Kobal Grum, Janez Ko-
lenc and Manca Seničar concentrate on motivation for education and competitiveness in
university students. Motivation and competitiveness are very important factors in educa-
tion that reflect in career choice, learning success and later career of every individual. We
wanted to investigate the connection between motivation for education, competitiveness
and different aspects of self-respect. At the same time we studied motivation for compet-
itiveness and the relationship between the abovementioned constructs with psychologi-
cal dimensions, such as emotions and fundamental mental needs. We included in the re-
search a larger sample of Slovenian students from different studying courses. They filled in
a set of questionnaires, including motivation scales, competitiveness scales and fundamen-
tal needs scales, and also questionnaires on self-respect and positive and negative emotion-
ality. The results have shown that there are significant differences depending on gender

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