Page 205 - Puklek Levpušček, Melita, in Klaudija Šterman Ivančič, ur. Motivacijski dejavniki v izobraževanju mladine in odraslih. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2013. Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 5
P. 205
In the monograph Motivation in Youth and Adult Education we present three inde-
pendent studies carried out as part of the evaluation study Motivation factors in Youth and
Adult Education (2010–2012).
In the first chapter Motivation factors in reading achievements in the PISA 2009 re-
search authors Melita Puklek Levpušček, Anja Podlesek and Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
present secondary analyses of motivational, social and learning factors in reading litera-
cy. In the first stage of the research the authors conducted a comparative analysis of read-
ing activities, motivation for reading, learning strategies and characteristics of the learn-
ing environment. They compared results of Slovenian 15-year-olds in the above mentioned
factors of reading literacy with results of their peers in two highly successful European
countries in the PISA 2009 research, Finland and Norway. In the second stage of the re-
search the authors identified typical profiles of Slovenian students according to the char-
acteristics of their reading motivation and metacognitive strategies in text reading in the
PISA 2009 research. In the last stage of the research the authors established the impor-
tance of motivational factors in different education programmes and according to gender.
The comparative analysis has shown the following key results:
a) Slovenian youngsters have an exceptional external motivation for reading; they
are also reluctant to reading; they do not truly enjoy reading.
b) Learning strategies of elaborating the learned material and strategies of control
over the understanding of read material are quite present with Slovenian 15-year-
olds; however for Norwegian and Finnish students the effective strategies of sum-
marising seem to be more important and useful as for Slovenian students.
In the monograph Motivation in Youth and Adult Education we present three inde-
pendent studies carried out as part of the evaluation study Motivation factors in Youth and
Adult Education (2010–2012).
In the first chapter Motivation factors in reading achievements in the PISA 2009 re-
search authors Melita Puklek Levpušček, Anja Podlesek and Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
present secondary analyses of motivational, social and learning factors in reading litera-
cy. In the first stage of the research the authors conducted a comparative analysis of read-
ing activities, motivation for reading, learning strategies and characteristics of the learn-
ing environment. They compared results of Slovenian 15-year-olds in the above mentioned
factors of reading literacy with results of their peers in two highly successful European
countries in the PISA 2009 research, Finland and Norway. In the second stage of the re-
search the authors identified typical profiles of Slovenian students according to the char-
acteristics of their reading motivation and metacognitive strategies in text reading in the
PISA 2009 research. In the last stage of the research the authors established the impor-
tance of motivational factors in different education programmes and according to gender.
The comparative analysis has shown the following key results:
a) Slovenian youngsters have an exceptional external motivation for reading; they
are also reluctant to reading; they do not truly enjoy reading.
b) Learning strategies of elaborating the learned material and strategies of control
over the understanding of read material are quite present with Slovenian 15-year-
olds; however for Norwegian and Finnish students the effective strategies of sum-
marising seem to be more important and useful as for Slovenian students.