Page 207 - Puklek Levpušček, Melita, in Klaudija Šterman Ivančič, ur. Motivacijski dejavniki v izobraževanju mladine in odraslih. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2013. Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 5
P. 207
field of education (social sciences and humanities vs. natural sciences and engineer-
ing). The differences can be seen in the fields of motivation for education, hyper compet-
itiveness and motivation for competitiveness, but also in the satisfaction of fundamental
mental needs and self-respect. These findings emphasise the importance of stimulating in-
trinsic motivation and competitiveness as part of the personal development of an individ-
ual and they function as principles for developing the studying process.
The third chapter is Motivation in Adult Education. In this chapter authors Marko
Radovan, Sabina Jelenc Krašovec and Sonja Kump present the role of the personal edu-
cation plan (PEP) in increasing the performance of adults in vocational and technical ed-
ucation in Slovenia. The survey questionnaire and analysis of qualitative interviews were
used to analyse opinions of organizers and leaders of selected institutions providing voca-
tional and technical programmes for adult learners and opinions of adult participants in
such programmes. The authors were interested in the preparation and realization of PEP,
who participates in this process, the role of PEP in the educational process and what ob-
stacles educational institutions face. They also examined opinions of adult participants in
vocational and technical education programmes about the preparation and implementa-
tion of PEP; they were interested in their experience with this instrument as a motivation-
al factor and its influence in reducing the obstacles they encounter in the process of educa-
tion. They found out that a lot of problems occur in the process of preparing PEP, both on
the part of organizers and education as well as the learners. The reasons for this are main-
ly lack of human resources to ensure the proper preparation and execution of PEP, lack of
time to prepare PEP and other structural circumstances that prevent proper planning of
the educational process in accordance with PEP. Participants as well generally recognize
that PEP in the form in which it is used today, is generally not such a good motivational
tool and an incentive for better education and learning as it was planned to be.
ing). The differences can be seen in the fields of motivation for education, hyper compet-
itiveness and motivation for competitiveness, but also in the satisfaction of fundamental
mental needs and self-respect. These findings emphasise the importance of stimulating in-
trinsic motivation and competitiveness as part of the personal development of an individ-
ual and they function as principles for developing the studying process.
The third chapter is Motivation in Adult Education. In this chapter authors Marko
Radovan, Sabina Jelenc Krašovec and Sonja Kump present the role of the personal edu-
cation plan (PEP) in increasing the performance of adults in vocational and technical ed-
ucation in Slovenia. The survey questionnaire and analysis of qualitative interviews were
used to analyse opinions of organizers and leaders of selected institutions providing voca-
tional and technical programmes for adult learners and opinions of adult participants in
such programmes. The authors were interested in the preparation and realization of PEP,
who participates in this process, the role of PEP in the educational process and what ob-
stacles educational institutions face. They also examined opinions of adult participants in
vocational and technical education programmes about the preparation and implementa-
tion of PEP; they were interested in their experience with this instrument as a motivation-
al factor and its influence in reducing the obstacles they encounter in the process of educa-
tion. They found out that a lot of problems occur in the process of preparing PEP, both on
the part of organizers and education as well as the learners. The reasons for this are main-
ly lack of human resources to ensure the proper preparation and execution of PEP, lack of
time to prepare PEP and other structural circumstances that prevent proper planning of
the educational process in accordance with PEP. Participants as well generally recognize
that PEP in the form in which it is used today, is generally not such a good motivational
tool and an incentive for better education and learning as it was planned to be.