Page 18 - Polona Kelava, Neformalno učenje? Kaj je to? Dissertationes 24, Digitalna knjižnica, Pedagoški inštitut 2013
P. 18
Neformalno učenje? Kaj je to?


Recently, a lot of attention has been focused on the methods of acquiring and trans-
ferring knowledge which exceed traditional approaches and classifications. A shift
from emphasizing formal procedures and methods of education and learning to
non-formal and informal learning is evidently prevailing in adult education. New
trends are being formed and understanding of the importance of learning through-
out life is growing. Two key components of attaining the knowledge in such a man-
ner, namely professional development and development of an individual’s personali-
ty, can be identified in other historical periods as well. In Ancient Greece and Rome,
many educationalists pointed out the importance of acquiring knowledge after
completed »formal schooling«. It was characteristic of the Middle Ages that the ne-
cessity of development of professional knowledge and skills as well as an individu-
al’s personality was emphasized, bearing in mind that each of the three social classes/
orders had its particular and distinctive system of acquiring and transferring know­
ledge. At the time of the Reformation, a new paradigm of understanding learning
using non-formal approaches emerged, particularly with its demand for individua­
lizing contacts with the God and the demand for the faithful to read the Bible by
themselves in their mother tongues. The famous Slovene Protestant Primož Trubar
implemented and improved these ideas of acquiring knowledge using non-formal
methods; he designed his works in the way that all, irrespective of age, could learn
to read. He also demanded continuous reading of the Bible through one’s entire life,
with the purpose of developing or changing a personality of an individual.
Key words: lifelong learning, lifelong education, Reformation, Middle Ages, formal
education, non-formal education, informal learning, professional development, per-
sonal development, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, three orders

Na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja se od konca 20. stoletja in-
tenzivno oblikujejo nove smernice in zahteve, pri čemer se veli-
ko pozornosti namenja izobraževanju, izpopolnjevanju in uče-
nju odraslih. Sodobnost vnaša drugačno pojmovanje učenja in izobra-
ževanja, katerega pomembna značilnost je, da se ne omejuje zgolj na uče-
nje oz. izobraževanje v mladosti, ampak (vsaj) enako pozornost name-
nja času odraslosti in starosti. Pri odraslih je pri pridobivanju znanja in
spretnosti očiten tudi premik poudarka s formalnih načinov in metod
na bolj neformalne.

»Pomanjkanje raziskovanja na tem polju /učenju odraslih – op. a./ je še po-
sebej presenetljivo z vidika dejstva, da so vsi veliki učitelji antičnih časov –
Konfucij in Lao Zi na Kitajskem; hebrejski preroki in Jezus v bibličnih časih;
Aristotel, Sokrat in Platon v antični Grčiji; Cicero, Evklid in Kvintilijan v an-
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