Page 209 - Alenka Gril in Asja Videčnik, Oblikovanje državljanske identitete mladih v šoli, Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 3
P. 209

The monograph presents the findings of empirical research which was conducted in
the elementary and the high schools in Slovenia in the study year 2010/11 by the Educa-
tional Research Institute in the ESS project entitled “Professional Bases, Strategies and
Theoretical Frameworks of Education for Intercultural Relations and Active Citizen-
ship”. The aim of the study was to recognize the role of Slovene school in the formation
of civic identity in youth. The civic identity refers to the individual definition of the role
of the citizen which is formed mainly in the adolescence and young adulthood. It is based
upon the societal knowledge, beliefs and attitudes as well as belonging to different social
groups and the skills for the collective agency. The formation of civic identity is long term
process in which the reference persons and groups with whom the adolescents continu-
ously interact play the crucial role. These are mainly the family, the school, peer groups,
social organizations and institutions where young people are involved. The focus of the
study was the role of the school in the formation of civic identity in adolescents. Within
this framework, we proposed two questions: what civic competencies are developed in the
school and what societal knowledge is formed or what attitudes and beliefs about the so-
cial and political relations are co-constructed in the school community.

The focus of the study was on the non-formally acquired civic competencies in the
school that are developed in the students’ interpersonal relationships with the peers and
teachers in the school by assuming the values, beliefs, attitudes and norms which consti-
tute these specifically structured interactions that they are involved in every day. We as-
sumed that the non-formal school curricula will substantially determine the social atti-
tudes and civic competencies of adolescents. Thus, we studied the school culture, the class
climate, the teachers’ attitudes towards active citizenship and intercultural relations, the

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