Page 211 - Alenka Gril in Asja Videčnik, Oblikovanje državljanske identitete mladih v šoli, Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 3
P. 211
text. In this framework we proposed three questions: 1. what are the adolescents’ atti-
tudes towards different social groups and intercultural relations, 2. what is the role of the
school in the formation of these attitudes, 3. how the developing civic competencies of the
adolescents are related to their social attitudes?

The first part of the monograph presents the findings about the development of ethnic
identity in adolescents, their social and intercultural attitudes, the perception of discrim-
ination in the school and the teachers’ attitudes towards intercultural education and the
praxis of including the intercultural themes in the instruction. The second part presents
findings about the learning of active citizenship in the school. It includes the results of the
analyses of the teachers’ attitudes towards stimulating active citizenship in the school, the
perception of the participative school culture and class climate by the teachers and stu-
dents, the engagement of the students in the classes, their understanding of decision-mak-
ing processes and the perceived competencies and experiences of public action. The third
part reports about the results of analyses of relations between the participative praxis in
the school and intercultural attitudes of the adolescents. Based on these we try to answer
the principal research question about stimulating active citizenship and multiculturalism
in the school or about the role of the school in the formation of civic identity in youth.

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