Page 123 - Janja Žmavc, Vloga in pomen jezika v državljanski vzgoji, Komunikacijska kompetenca kot nujna sestavina odgovornega državljanstva, Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 2
P. 123
the role that school and teachers play in the knowing, understanding and the use of
the rhetorical-argumentative skills and techniques in the context of particular school sub-
jects, activities and interpersonal relationships.

In the third part of the book we present practical examples of teaching rhetoric and
argumentation for the secondary school, which were proven and properly evaluated. The
chapters in this part contain a methodological and topical analysis along with all the
working materials that are necessary for the realization of such lessons. With these exam-
ples we try to sketch a communication model that can be used as a part of any teaching
practice and can provide a number of useful tools for construction, expression, critical as-
sessment, defending and proper refutation of any arguments as well as mastering of differ-
ent levels and strategies of successful persuasion.

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